Faith Offering / Donation


Sunday, February 10, 2008

February 10, 2008 & Prayer of Love & Friendship

This treatment was written by Ernest Holmes and can be found in the booklet, "Pray and Prosper" ... which I believe is out of print. The treatment is titled: "The Prayer of Love and Friendship":

"That they may be one, even as we are one. I perceive the Spirit of Wholeness, the Union of all Life. Deep within my being I know that I am One with all people, all ages, all events. I am One with the Infinite and the Eternal. I am One with all the Goodness there is; One with all Power and One with the only Presence; the Presence of God in me. In everyone I meet, I perceive this union. I meet It with joy; I am accepted by It even as I accept It. I cannot reject myself nor can I be rejected by myself. There is only One Self, which is God the Eternal Self. I am One with this Self; one with Love; one with Joy; one with Friendship.

This Oneness peoples my world with the loving attention of innumerable friends, with every human manifestation of the Divine Reality. I appreciate this Friend of mine Whom I meet in innumerable forms. Everywhere I go I shall meet Him, everywhere I look I shall see Him. I am held in the embrace of the Eternal Presence. Every thought of disunion, separation or unhappiness is forever gone from my mind. Love, Joy and Companionship are permanently established in my experience." And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is really interesting! So true, so beautiful...
all love, marjay