Faith Offering / Donation
Friday, December 25, 2009
I Am Unlimited - Dr. Frank Richelieu
I am unlimited in my spiritual nature.
My mind is unlimited.
The life within me is unlimited.
My creativity is unlimited.
My ideas are unlimited.
The beauty around me and within me is unlimited.I am unlimited in every respect.
I work in the consciousness of Truth and I work with love.
And So It Is!
* Written by Dr. Frank Richelieu (modified)
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Love & Security - Dr. Ernest Holmes
The Law of Good is flowing through me. I am one with the rhythm of Life. There is nothing to be afraid of. There is nothing to be uncertain about. God is over all, in all, and through all. God is right where I am. I am at peace with the world in which I live. I am at home with the Divine Spirit in which I am immersed.
And so it is.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I'm So Thankful
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Health Is G-d Expressing As Me, For Me
Monday, November 9, 2009
My Own Shall Come To Me
My Own Shall Come To Me
From far and near my own shall come to me. Even now it is coming to me and I receive it.
My own is now manifesting itself to me, and I see and know its presence. My own shall know and respond to me.
My own cannot be kept from me, neither can I keep my good away from me. I receive my good NOW.
My own shall find me. No matter where I go, it will follow and claim me.
I cannot hide myself from my own.
My own shall come to me, even though I deny it; for there is nothing in me that can hinder it from entering and taking possession of my Soul.
My own is now expressed.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I Welcome New Opportunities Into My Life With Love
Knowing my oneness with GOD, I experience true healing of mind and body. I appreciate the statement that says, Principle is not governed by precedent. I affirm that every part or atom of my being is cooperating so that absolute healing takes place. Love, peace and wisdom are drawn to me through the Law of Attraction.
I Welcome New Opportunities Into My Life With Love.
My celebration of life is about sharing my inner joy with those who are open to it. I enjoy the laughter and fun times shared in the company of those near and dear to me. Now, I AM ready to go with a new routine or accept new responsibilities. I move forward following GOD'S direction for a new plan or a new experience. Hallelujah!
I Welcome New Opportunities Into My Life With Love.
I have faith that there is nothing beyond GOD'S Power to heal, comfort, strengthen, soothe, provide and guide me forward into this glorious life. As it says in Psalm 43:3, I send out your light and your truth; let them lead me. Spirit works through all experiences, and I AM led to make the right choices for my own wonderful life. I AM so thankful for all the demonstrations that take place for me.
I Welcome New Opportunities Into My Life With Love.
And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Sunday, October 25, 2009
"God's Perfect Idea Of Me" - Dr. Ernest Holmes
There is nothing in my mind, or the mind of another, that can deny it.
Its action and fulfillment cannot be delayed, deferred, or hindered.
I know, affirm, and declare that Divine Intelligence, the Mind of God,
now guides and directs my every thought, my every action.
I know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.
Every good idea I have carries with it the knowledge of the ways and
means for its achievement. I am vigorous and whole.
I possess the vitality of the Infinite. I am strong and well.
God's Life is my life, now. His strength is my strength.
His power is my power. My whole being is renewed, invigorated, made alive.
There is peace, a Divine harmonious, dynamic, creative action at the center
of my being. Every breath I draw, every beat of my heart,
is the perfect rhythmic action of Life Itself.
The expression of the One Perfect Life in me as me is now perfectly
maintaining every atom, cell, and organ of my body.
My body is a Divine idea in the Mind of God and no thing, no situation
or condition can prevent Its full and complete expression in and as me.
God created my body, knows how to maintain it, to remove what doesn't
belong, and to rebuild it. This is occurring right now.
Without reservation I know I now manifest and experience in all fullness
and completeness God's perfect idea of me, and in all respects, every action,
function, and structure of my body now conforms to it.
There is perfect assimilation, circulation, and elimination.
All that I am is one with the One Perfect Life.
All the joy there is, all the happiness, all the beauty are now mine.
I am born of the Spirit. I am in the Spirit. I am the Spirit made manifest.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Dr. Frank E. Richelieu - Unlimited In My Spiritual Power
Say to yourself:
"I am unlimited in my spiritual power. Right now, this moment, I relate to the perfect pattern, the Christ consciousness within me. I increase in love, in wisdom, and in strength. I am now in harmony with all that I do and undertake, for perfect love makes everything clear and beautiful to me."
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Today Is The Day
I identify with the presence of this Infinite Spirit within me for I know that It is the Source of my every good desire, my hopes and my dreams. It is the way, the truth and the life, within me.
I declare in this moment that I use this Power and this Intelligence as I open my mind to new ideas that bring forth into my experience a greater happiness, a greater joy, and a greater success in all that I do. I know that as I depend on this Principle: All Is G-d and All Is Good, there is nothing beyond my reach or the capacity of my consciousness to embody.
My consciousness of success and prosperity contains the perfect mental equivalent, the perfect images, and the perfect likeness, of the good life that I accept for myself now, right now, in this moment. Today is the day. Today is the day in which my consciousness reveals in the physical that which I hold within my mind. Today is the day. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My Eyes Are Open, Now I See

Monday, September 14, 2009
God's Perfection Within Me - Dr. Ernest Holmes Affirmation
There is one Life, that Life is God, that Life is my life now. This Life circulates through me. It animates my whole being.
Whatever may seem to be to the contrary in my body is now made whole as I identify it with pure Spirit.
I open my mind as a channel for the realization of the Divine Presence and I affirm and accept it. Nothing within me can deny or reject it.
Because God is perfect, I am perfect.
I accept the wholeness of Spirit with complete conviction, identifying myself and everything that I am with the harmony, the perfection, and the wholeness of the life of God.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Affirmation Treatment by Eric Butterworth
"I am secure, for I know who I am: a richly endowed child of God. I am secure in all I do, for I know my oneness with the divine process. I am secure in all I have, for I know my treasure is in my mind, not in my things. I live my life from day to day as if God's supportive substance were as exhaustless and dependable as the air I breathe, which it most certainly is."
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Affirmative Prayer Special - Rev Bates on the Radio
This will be a full half-hour devoted to: "4-Steps To A Wonderful Life" - the essential practice of affirmative prayer; what it is - what it does - and how to use it effectively, to experience that which you desire to do, to be, or to have. Please tune in at KTYM AM 1460 Radio in Los Angeles, Hollywood and surrounding cities and worldwide at ... this will be a "Live" broadcast from Palm Springs, California.
"Rev Bates on the Radio"
Thursday, September 3, 2009
God's Grace Is Unlimited by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer
Spirit, as Its own creation, can never deteriorate nor disintegrate. My consciousness, my body and my finances are creations of Spirit. Spirit sustains Its own ideas by becoming the ideas It creates.
I am not subject to neglect. I cannot be misinformed nor misled. Infinite Intelligence provides me with the right information and knowledge. It reveals all I need to know about health and the maintenance of my body. It keeps me informed about finances. Mind is infinite in Its awareness and unlimited in Its ability to act. One with Its knowledge, I act from this limitless Being.
And so it is!
Dr. Robert H. Bitzer
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Lifting Up My Soul To A Greater Life Expression
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Peace At The Heart Of God Is The Peace At The Heart Of Me
". . . the work of the righteousness shall be peace." - Isaiah 32:17
My Reliance upon the presence of God gives me poise and power. My relationship with God cannot vary because I am in God and God is in me. Nothing can disturb this relationship. I maintain perfect equilibrium. Regardless of storms around me, or opinions of others, the presence of God in me keeps me stabilized. This conviction keeps me true to my course.
This balance is maintained between my desire and my expression, my thought and its creation. This Presence permits no trouble to come into my life. Nothing of confusion can enter my atmosphere. This peace would automatically repel any approaching disturbance. Wherever I go, harmony is established before I arrive. This same law causes whatever I do, to work out harmoniously. This peace at the center keeps me conscious of the depth of my spiritual power. My awareness of the One Presence sustains my unified being in its right expression. This peace coordinates all action and brings complete harmony on every plane of activity.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Monday, August 10, 2009
I Depend Upon Divine Principle For My Limitless Abundance
". . . I am become rich, I have found me out substance." - Hosea 12:8
I know that money has no power over me because I am that which creates money. I have the power to give myself wealth or to withhold wealth. I am opulent, abundant. This awareness is my true prosperity and my never failing security. I am one with limitless substance which is God.
Substance which is God cannot be denied, because God could never be poor nor limited. I know that I, too, am the consciousness of that which God is. There is nothing in me that could cause me to be aware of limitation or permit any condition of lack. I am conscious of the limitless abundance which is God.
I live opulently because I know that all that the Father hath belongs to me. I am the prosperous life which God is. I live in that conviction of prosperous being. My consciousness is quickened so that the awareness of opulence and wealth is vitalized. I know my prosperous, abundant self finds its complete fulfillment.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Seeing With The Mind's Eye - Rev. Ike
Special Note: Rev. Ike made his transition on Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Affirmative Treatment by Rev. Ike:
God-in-me has given me the power to create my experience by means of my imagination.
I AM using my imagination to see all the good I desire in my experience.
I AM visualizing positive, happy, loving, successful experiences.
I see myself being, doing, and having all the good I desire, right here and right now.
Thank you Father.
Thank you God-in-me.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Money Is An Idea In Mind by Dr. Carleton Whitehead
In my open and receptive thought, this truth of money erases and permanently clears away any and all beliefs that are not in total accord with prosperity. I am in tune with money, and money is in tune with me. Its purpose is fulfilled as it flows intelligently, powerfully and vitally throughout my life and my experience. Mind is the mint of my money. I honor the Source as it honors my prosperous decisions. The opulence of my consciousness overflows as the spirit of money flows through. God in me has a rich outlet for good, by means of me. My whole world is prospered.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Friday, July 10, 2009
Power Within My Word - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer
My word is my consciousness of specific action. It has intention, purpose and meaning. It is the intelligence of the One Mind moving in a prescribed direction for a definite accomplishment. My word is the movement of Spirit knowing where it is going and what it shall do. It draws to itself its own receptivity and entails perfect cooperation. It knows how to get its greatest response and creates its own recognition as it proceeds.
The power within my word is inexhaustible because it is impelled by infinite energy. It creates its own allies and contributors. I act in complete confidence knowing that my word is self-contained in Intelligence, understanding and power.
My word completes its cycle of perfect expression. I recognize its power and accept its fulfillment. It brings inevitable change and expansion, all of which I accept. I have the consciousness of being its expression. I adjust instantly to the new experience which my word produces, for it is the forward movement of my true being. I have the new ideas that match the new experiences. I am completely oriented in its higher unfoldment.
My word creates the larger expression of that which I am already in consciousness now.
And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Divine Activity by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer
Special Note: Dr. Robert H. Bitzer was the Founding Minister of the Hollywood Church of Religious Science, in Hollywood, California. He established his church on the famous Sunset Boulevard and paid for it, in full, within 8 years. He was a Master Teacher of Absolute Principle, which is the foundation of the Science of Mind philosophy.
Please study this spiritual treatment written by the great, Dr. Robert H. Bitzer:
I am part of the movement of the Divine. I do not waste my energy in needless or useless activity. All activity in my life is directed toward my goal; therefore, it has meaning. Everything I do is related to the achievement of my desire. In this way my energy is utilized in its fullest power. I do not spend unnecessary time contemplating details. I know the direction of Divine Activity takes care of all details.
At all times I am at my best and give my utmost to every endeavor. My work is completed on time. I give the right attention each experience merits. I am up to date in my thinking and up to date in every phase of my living. All activity in my life is divinely coordinated, directed, and fulfilled.
This consciousness of right activity dissolves any belief in inaction. My life cannot stand still, for its expression is the constant un-foldment of Divine Activity fulfilling Its goal. Every thought and every feeling bears witness to this progress.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Friday, June 19, 2009
Treatment For Money
I now subconsciously accept this treatment. There is only one Creative Cause, God. There is only one Mind, God. There is only one Life, God. There is only one Substance, God. This present universe is the Glory of God. It is moving, flexible, fluidic creation, it is alive with the Life, the Abundance, and the Richness of God. I abide in prosperity. Mind created me in order that It might act through me. Therefore, I am receptive to Its abundance. I am receptive to Its circulation in my life in the form of money. Money is God's Idea of circulation in my world of finance. I accept this Idea completely. I appreciate this Idea; I like it. Money being God in Action, is absolute good, it is wholesome. It is a blessing to me, and I am now prospered with it. I have no fear of lack for I believe that I have plenty of money. It is God's Activity in my world. It is God's Activity in my bank account. It is God's Activity in my investments. It is God's Activity in everything to which I lay my hands. This money is flowing, this money is free. I do not attempt to lock it up. I do not put a fence around it. It is God's money, I let it flow in, I let it flow out. As I release it, I know that it comes back to me, pressed down, shaken together and running over. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." I am now free in money. I rejoice in it. I appreciate it, and I thank God for it. I have money forevermore. Amen.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Making Good Use of the Power Within Me
And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Friday, June 5, 2009
"I Tune My Consciousness to God" by Dr. Carleton Whitehead
I am not deluded by belief in any power other than Good. Negatives are less than nothing, and I waste no thought and emotion on minus quantities. Only the positive, the good, the whole, and the harmonious are worthy of my attention.
Using my inalienable right of choice, I tune my consciousness to Reality. With marvelous response, the cells of my body vibrate with Life. They unite in actions that flow in the pattern of wholeness. Every string of my emotional being throbs with overtones of the fundamental Love. The harmony in my heart hears its echo in all my relationships. Light radiates in my mind, and my illuminated awareness perceives creation's order and beauty. Attunement has set me on the path that leads from glory to glory.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Monday, May 18, 2009
"I Am Free" by Dr. Carleton Whitehead
What a relief to be rid of those burdens! I now move ahead easily. Light of heart and confident of step, I delight in each new adventure on the path of my true Self-unfoldment. I allow nothing to violate the integrity of my own soul. The light shines before me, illuminating the way. Love powers my every thought and carries me on to new victories. God rejoices in the free and radiant expression of Spirit which I am.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Friday, May 15, 2009
My Vision Expands by Dr. Carleton Whitehead
Knowing, then, that limitations are none other than the boundaries of my own vision, I loose the bonds of captivity. I lift my eyes above human bondage to the high peaks of Divine Potential. In every area of my life - health, finance, vocation, relationships, service to mankind - old boundaries are breached by the released inner light. I behold all things new.
I trust the purpose for which I was born. God's wisdom, love, and power guide, sustain, and support me. On the wings of my expanded vision I rise to greet the golden opportunities of the years ahead.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Sunday, May 10, 2009
An Effective Prosperity Prayer by Dr. Joseph Murphy
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Prospering Power Prospers Me
God, the Infinite Giver, is forever giving through all creation. The prospering power of Life is continually prospering Its expressions. As a seed is multiplied by the vital activity within it, so are my creative ideas carried to fruition by the power of life within them. God in me as me is always giving through me. My expanding awareness of this truth assures prosperity in all my affairs.
The illusion of good coming to me from outside myself is permanently dispelled. I look not to fortune, chance, or a hoped-for change in externals to bring me fulfillment. I look to God, the one prospering action, moving in my consciousness as intuition, guidance, love, and creative power.
My crystal-clear perception of wholeness pulses with vitality, and my health blooms. I abide in the fundamental harmony of Life, and my relationships reward me with rich understanding. I know Mind as the unlimited source of money, and my financial activities thrive. Creative power flowing through my God-centered consciousness prospers whatsoever I do.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Dr. Joseph Murphy - Special Prayer for Eyes and Ears
I am the Lord that healeth me. My vision is spiritual, eternal, and a quality of my consciousness. My eyes are Divine ideas, and they are always functioning perfectly.
My perception of spiritual Truth is clear and powerful. The light of understanding dawns in me; I see more and more of God's Truth every day. I see spiritually; I see mentally; I see physically. I see images of Truth and Beauty everywhere.
The infinite Healing Presence is now, this moment, rebuilding my eyes. They are perfect, Divine instruments, enabling me to receive messages from the world within and the world without. The glory of God is revealed in my eyes.
I hear the Truth; I love the Truth; I know the Truth. My ears are God's perfect ideas, functioning perfectly at all times. My ears are the perfect instruments which reveal God's harmony to me. The love, beauty, and harmony of God flow through my eyes and ears; I am in tune with the Infinite. I hear the still, small voice of God within me. The Holy Spirit quickens my hearing, and my ears are open and free. Amen.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Prosperity Promises Kept
Knowing that Intelligence reigns Supreme in the Universe, I know this Intelligence guides and directs me in all things and in all ways. This Intelligence is within me, and is the guiding light that inspires me with ideas, images and thoughts that prosper me. This Intelligence is within, pressing against me, and surrounds me, now.
In this moment I declare that all that I need is mine when I need it. This is the true prosperity that is always present in my life experience. I realize that all my hopes and desires are made manifest in the right and perfect time and in the right and perfect way. I let the Spirit create for me that which is always for my highest and greatest good, knowing that Infinite Mind always fills in the pieces that I might not conceive. I let the prosperity thoughts and ideas fill my mind with faith and confidence that as I align my mind with the One Mind, the All-Good that is G-d, becomes my ever-present experience.
Today, I accept a greater and greater good in all things; success, prosperity, happiness, health, peace, joy and the beauty of the Spirit as It is made manifest through my action of thought and my activity of faith. I accept my blessings today and share these blessings with all in my world of experience. It is a joy to realize the deeply-felt gratitude that is mine today as the Infinite's prosperity promises are kept and realized in my experience.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Monday, April 20, 2009
Spirit Responds To Me Now
Consciously, I identify with the Spirit knowing that Its peace is my peace, Its joy is my joy, and Its love is my love. Within me is all that G-d has created me to be; strength, confidence, harmony, success, and faith. There is nothing in me that rejects the Truth that I am in the image and the likeness of G-d and that It has imparted a part of Itself in me, to express as me, for me, and through me, to be and to do and to have that which It desires for me to express.
In this awareness, I declare that I am free to be the me that G-d has created me to be. I am free to be successful, to be prosperous, to be generous and to be loving and loved. I declare that there is nothing that can obstruct the perfect flow of Spirit's expression as me. I live in the joyous confidence of knowing that all that I do shall succeed and prosper. There is only success and happiness for me, now and always. I live fully in the Spirit and I know and I know that I know that Spirit enlivens my heart with enthusiasm and joy. I accept this as the Truth for me now and for all people. I accept that my soul is satisfied with the life that G-d has given me through my consciousness of trust and faith in Its Divine giving-ness and unconditional love. Life in the Spirit is marvelous indeed.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Friday, April 10, 2009
I Believe In My Prayer And The Answer To It
Recognition: I know that there is One Presence, One Power, One Life, One Intelligence, One Substance. It is perfect, whole, complete, and harmonious. It is the source of all things and is in and through all things. There is nothing separate from It. There is nothing that can limit Its action, there is nothing that can be separate from Its action. It always knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. It is the limitless source of every good thing. It is all joy, all happiness, love, harmony, and perfection in all that It is and does.
Identification: There is One life , that Life is God, that Life is perfect, that Life is my life, now. There is nothing in me or in my experience separate from God. "I am that which Thou art, Thou art that which I am." What I am is God in me as me. I now rid my mind of any and all ideas of isolation and separation from God, and know that as I now turn to Him I permit and Partake of an increased flow and influx of the Divine nature as what I am. I am one with God--all that is. My mind is a focal point, an individualization, of the Mind of God, the One Creative Power. The word I speak, the declaration I make is the word of God going forth through me into new tangible creation. In accord with the Law of Mind my word is its own fulfillment.
Declaration: This word I speak is for me, about me, is the truth of me. There is nothing in my mind, or the mind of another, that can deny it. Its action and fulfillment cannot be delayed, deferred, or hindered. I know, affirm, and declare that Divine Intelligence, the Mind of God, now guides and directs my every thought, my every action. I know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Every good idea I have carries with it the knowledge of the ways and means for its achievement. I am vigorous and whole. I possess the vitality of the Infinite. I am strong and well. God's Life is my life, now. His strength is my strength. His power is my power. My whole being is renewed, invigorated, made alive. There is peace, a Divine harmonious, dynamic, creative action at the center of my being. Every breath I draw, every beat of my heart, is the perfect rhythmic action of Life Itself. The expression of the One Perfect Life in me as me is now perfectly maintaining every atom, cell, and organ of my body. My body is a Divine idea in the Mind of God and no thing, no situation or condition can prevent Its full and complete expression in and as me. God created my body, knows how to maintain it, to remove what doesn't belong, and to rebuild it. This is occurring right now. Without reservation I know I now manifest and experience in all fullness and completeness God's perfect idea of me, and in all respects, every action, function, and structure of my body now conforms to it. There is perfect assimilation, circulation, and elimination. All that I am is one with the One Perfect Life. All the joy there is, all the happiness, all the beauty are now mine. I am born of the Spirit. I am in the Spirit. I am the Spirit made manifest.
Acceptance: I now accept the creative action of the words I have spoken as the law and the thing whereunto they are directed. They go forth into immediate fulfillment. Right now are they fully manifest. There is no delay, there is nothing that can prevent them from now being fully and completely fulfilled in my experience. They are words of power and of good. I accept them, I know they are the truth of that which I am. In and through them God goes forth anew into creation. It is now done, it is now complete. For this knowledge, for this understanding, I am grateful. I give thanks that all this is so. I know and accept that there is One Life, that Life is God, that Life is perfect, and that Life is my life now. Right now.
And so it is.
Special Note: Everyone can learn to write, speak, think, spiritual treatment. Use words that are specific, definite, affirmative and describe the result as being real, now.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Love Is The Answer To Every Problem
I know love is the answer to every problem or discomfort that exists or appears to exist. Therefore, I use love, not a sentimental, concerned love, but the love that stems from the center of my being and radiates out to make right my world and the world of those I love. I feel this love welling up within me. I see it penetrating and absorbing everything unlike itself. I can always depend upon this love, for it is a quality of Divine Mind. It is an ingredient of the universe. I breathe love in. I exhale love. I see love in every person and thing in my life. I recognize that harmony, peace and love are the very substance of my life and beingness.
And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Spirit Is Moving Me To Accept ...
And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Friday, March 20, 2009
G-d's Plan Is Abundance
I am endowed with absolute control over my thinking. I know my thoughts are productive and do produce actual experiences in my life. I have no fear of lack or limitation in any form, because I know God's plan is abundance. That abundance is my supply. I cannot be deprived of God's supply. No person, place or thing can interfere with the flow of Divine Substance manifesting in my life as my own wealth. Omnipresent Substance is everywhere, evenly present. It is the source of everything which is. The Source of this Substance is MY Source and I am now directing my thought only to THAT Source. I see myself receiving ALL the Supply I shall ever need or want. I identify myself with this Supply and give thanks for it.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Living in the Spirit of Good and More Good
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I Believe In The Best
And so it is.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Keeping My Mind On The Prize
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Friday, February 20, 2009
My Faith Is Un-obstructed
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I Discover A New Freedom
Today I practice being myself, and seek to reveal more fully the miracle of Life.
I discover a fuller delight in living, and in the wonder of Being that continually wells up within me.
I think simply and directly from the center of my being, which is G-d, the living Spirit.
I enter into the faith of believing, the joy of knowing and the act of living - which proclaim the one Power and the one Presence in all things.
Today, as a child would, I accept this Presence that responds to me in a personal, warm and colorful way. It fills me with vitality, opens my mind to greater vistas, and imbues me with a love for all life.
As I now accept my partnership with the Infinite I discover a new freedom.
My thoughts soar, my experiences expand and unbounded joy fills my being.
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Prosperity Is My Result
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Friday, February 6, 2009
Claim Your Wholeness
I now affirm that every organ, action and function of my physical body is animated by the living Spirit.
There is one perfect Mind directing my thoughts, one complete Wholeness sustaining my being, one Divine circulation flowing through me.
By day and by night I realize that the Divine Life flowing through me is renewing every cell of my body after the image of Its own perfection. I give thanks for this silent Power which sustains me, and I say to my own mind: "You are to believe in this Power. You are to accept It. You are to let It flow through you, for you are one with It. There is no other power, no other presence and no other life; therefore, all the Power there is, all the Presence there is, and all the Life there is, is sustaining you now and will continue to sustain you."
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Greater Possibilities Are Yours Now!
I now lift up my whole thought to the inflow of Divine Strength and infinite Wisdom.
I know that I am in a silent partnership with God-today, tomorrow and every day.
I accept the creative action and direction of the Spirit within me.
I know that new doorways are opened, that new opportunities for self-expression are now presenting themselves.
New ideas are coming into my mind.
I am meeting new situations.
I expect to accomplish and achieve.
Divine Intelligence flows through me, inspiring me, directing me into ever more worthwhile goals of creative endeavor.
God guides me in every way and new horizons of joyous living continually open up before me.
I accept the fullness of Life this moment.
And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Monday, January 19, 2009
"I Have A Dream"
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ...
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."2
This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.
With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:
My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountainside, let freedom ring!
And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.
Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.
Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.
But not only that:
Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.
From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!Thursday, January 15, 2009
Living in an Atmosphere of Gratitude
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates
Saturday, January 10, 2009
G-d Gives The Increase
I believe in my heart that I can predict for myself harmony, health, peace, prosperity, and success in business. I enthrone the concepts of peace, harmony, guidance, success, and prosperity in my mind now. I know and believe these thoughts (seeds) will grow and manifest themselves in my experience. I am a gardener; as I sow, so shall I reap. I sow God-like thoughts (seeds), and these wonderful seeds of success, harmony, prosperity, peace, and good will, automatically will bring forth a wonderful harvest. I nourish and sustain these seeds regularly and systematically by thinking with interest on them. I know my subconscious mind is a bank which multiplies and magnifies whatever I deposit. I will draw out the fruit of the wonderful seeds I am depositing now. I make these thoughts real by feeling the reality of them. I believe in the law of increase in the same manner that seeds deposited in the soil come forth multiplied 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold. Like seeds, my thoughts dwell in the darkness of my subconscious mind, and , like the seeds, they come above ground (become objectified) as conditions, experiences, and events. I think frequently on these things, and God's power is with my thoughts of good. God giveth the increase. ... and so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Friday, January 2, 2009
Revealing The Divine in 2009
And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev Bates