Faith Offering / Donation


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Reveal The Christ Within

I personally believe the beloved Jesus' message was for each of us to realize and recognize the "Light of G-d Within" ... referred to as "The Christ" ... in his statement, "don't ye know that ye are gods?" we know that he was trying to get each of us to realize our eternal One-ness with G-d, Infinite Spirit, that we are not G-d, but all that we are is a part of G-d ... "Ye are the light of the world" he said, and so we know as we recognize this as the Truth of our Being ... we shall express this Light on all things that concern us to a greater and greater measure each day. Join me in "recognizing" this Power of G-d within:

That lifts my life to its highest level.
It changes illness into health.
It brings peace amidst turmoil.
It brings success out of failure,
and victory out of defeat.
It brings companionship and
happiness out of loneliness.


Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Credit to Dr. Ernest Holmes, "The Science of Mind":

I shall keep the promise that I have made to myself.
I shall never again tell myself that I am poor, sick, weak nor unhappy.
I shall not lie to myself any more, but shall daily speak the truth
to my inner Soul, telling It that It is wonderful and marvelous;
that It is One with the Great Cause of all Life,
Truth, Power and Action.
I shall whisper these things into my Soul until it breaks forth into
songs of joy with the realization of Its Limitless possibilities.
I shall assure my Soul.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Friday, December 12, 2008

Perfect Union With Spirit

In this moment I am recognizing the only One there Is, G-d, Infinite Spirit. In the nature of Jesus I declare that I am One with the One. It is expressing Itself through me, as me, and for me to the level of my willingness to "let It." Right now, in this moment, I let It expess Itself through me as health, as happiness, as peace and as joy. I exalt this Presence in my mind, knowing that It is the very life of me. It is my every-thing ... my power, my confidence, my strength and my intelligence. In quiet confidence, I let It move through my mind to guide me and to direct me to that which is for my highest and greatest Good. I surrender to It and dismiss the ramblings of my ego-mind that denies this Perfect Union with Spirit. I know that my blessings, my help, and my Good is always present, for G-d, Infinite Spirit is always pressing against me, surrounding me and dwelling within me as all things Good. I accept this as the truth for me now and for everyone, for I know that no one is left outside of the kingdom of G-d. I am blessed with gratitude and love for the awareness of this Perfect Union with Spirit. I know it is so ... and I let it be so, now.
And so it is!

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Friday, December 5, 2008

Go Within To God

Today I go within to my temple to spend time in my holy relationship with God. Before entering, I shed the unessential and stroll into my place of peace. I cherish each sacred moment knowing that power does not lie in external things but in my inner vision constructively designed and followed by dynamic action. I know that what I think and feel here will be the foundation for my physical being and outward circumstances. Being in this place, at this moment, I am enveloped in knowledge, strength, power and love, for God is my Guide. And So It Is.
- Dr. Robbie Gholson Smith, City of Angels Church of Religious Science
September, 2007

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holiday Spirit

I rejoice and give thanks for all the love and joy being expressed in my life and in the lives of all those who I come into contact with today. I know this is G-d expressing through us gloriously and perfectly. I affirm that the "Holiday Spirit" expresses through each and every one of us as we move forward to celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and the New Year. We are truly living in the best of times and the best of everything is demonstrating through our consciousness of knowing that we are blessed and blessed even more still. As I daily practice the principle, "give and be given to," I am assured that all that I give returns to me multiplied abundantly; love, kindness, friendship, the spiritual and the material. It is with a glad and grateful heart that I know this is true for me and true for everyone, now. I let these words work through my consciousness knowing that they "stir up" the spirit within me now and always. I know this is so, I believe it, I accept it. I let it be so. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Friday, November 28, 2008

I Am In Command Of My Life

Credit to Dr. Frank Richelieu, "The Art Of Being Yourself":
.......... say to yourself:
I look to those things in my life which need healing and program my subconscious mind to react in a healthful, wholesome way. I do a thorough job of reconditioning my thinking so I will not backslide into old habit patterns. I am equipped with all I need in order to handle everything I meet in life. I stand strong and steadfast in the realization that I am a total individual, made of the substance of life and endowed with the powers and potentials of life. I live fully and freely, and contribute to my world. I know I am equipped with all that is necessary for a successful, prosperous, happy, loving life. Under all conditions, in all situations, I draw directly from the infinite Source and experience peace and strength, and the knowledge that I am in command of my life.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Sunday, November 23, 2008

G-d Makes All Things New

The Divine Consciousness that I Am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is Its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting G-d appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs, now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Good Is Revealed As G-d

I rejoice and give thanks that G-d has revealed to me the good that is mine. I know I can claim this good for G-d has revealed it to me ... for me. My mind is open and receptive to all that I am to know and all that I am to do, to bring forth this good into physical manifestation. I realize that this good comes to me with grace and ease, and so I effortlessly allow it to demonstrate through my consciousness now. My faith in the Power of G-d to bring forth this good through me, through my mind, is absolute. I expect this good to be made manifest and I prepare my consciousness to receive it. As I align my consciousness with God-consciousness, I realize that success and prosperity fill my mind and there is nothing to obstruct the flow of the good that is mine, now. This good is a sacred gift from G-d, and I know that G-d responds to my thoughts of joy and happiness in knowing that I have accepted this good right here and right now. My mind is filled with enthusiasm as I imagine the unfoldment of all that is necessary for me to experience this good fully and completely. What a joy it is to know that G-d is so very, very good to me. And in love and thanksgiving, I in turn, share this good with all who are part of this tremendous demonstration of infinite abundance. I let this be so now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I Shine the Light

Credit to Dr. O. C. Smith, Co-Founder, City of Angels Church of Religious Science, author, "Little Green Apples: God really did make them"

I am the Light of the world. I shine the Light of truth on, in and through all false conditions, situations and circumstances that appear and present themselves to me. I am open and receptive to my true nature and purpose in life. I am willing to express myself as I am. I live fully in this moment and know that God's work is already accomplished. In consciousness, I move into the light of my true being. I see God and only God in all that I think, say, do and feel. I see God is my security. I am anchored in my divinity, and all is well. Everywhere I look, I see God. The infinite life of God is right where I am. Today I go forth sharing my light and my life with others, bringing good into their lives as I enjoy my own life. For all of these blessings I am grateful. And so it is! ... October, 2001

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Living from the Spirit

Credit to Dr. Frank Richelieu, "The Art Of Being Yourself"
page 38-39:
Say to yourself today:

I am a Spirit-directed individual. I am guided and directed by the Power within me. I am an avenue of expression through which Life can flow in new and different ways. I am a today person. I do not look to tomorrow with fear and apprehension. I know when tomorrow comes it will bring with it its own special wealth of living and being. So I live today, fully, with the expectation of all good.

Keep the faith!
Rev Bates

Friday, November 7, 2008

Delay Is Not Defeat

The Spirit of God fills my mind, my heart, and my soul, as I realize within myself that delay is not defeat. "Waiting on the Lord" is simply the process of my consciousness embodying the mental equivalent of that which I desire to experience. As I experience the good that I seek, in mind, I move ever closer to manifesting that which I choose to experience in the physical. There is no defeat in God, and there is no defeat in me. The good that I seek is mine, and I rest assured that my personal relationship with the Infinite is my God-guarantee that it is mine to accept, to receive, and to enjoy, now. My heart is filled with gratitude and great love for that which is within me that knows, and knows that it knows, that all is well, everything is working for my good, and I am blessed ... today and always. And so it is.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Treatment for Health

Knowing that the Infinite has instilled within me the intelligence to choose, I choose health, peace of mind, and freedom. I am free in the Spirit and this Spirit dwells within me. My health is an expression of God-in-me; perfect, whole, complete. I am relaxed and my mind is filled with peace as I know the truth about health. I know that God is Life and I am part of this Life which is God. I know that every part of my Being is animated and alive with the Spirit of God. I know that there is nothing that obstructs my health, my peace of mind, or my freedom to express life physically, mentally and emotionally in a state of complete, whole and perfect health. Every part of my Being is healthy; mind, body, spirit. Nothing shall enter my consciousness that does not demonstrate health and peace in my experience. I fully accept that I am expressing God's infinite health and peace as me, for me, and through me. I know that it is God expressing all these things through my consciousness of acceptance and gratitude. I surrender all things unlike health and peace of mind to God, Infinite Spirit, knowing and trusting that everything that concerns me is harmonized into the Good; health, peace, joy. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bless This Day

There is one Power, one Presence, and one Life, and I am blessed by this Power, this Presence, and this Life today and always. I bless the Spirit of God within me and within all people. I know that I am blessed to give and to be given to, and so today I accept the good that is mine and I share it generously and lovingly. Everything and everyone in my experience is blessed by my conscious awareness that God is All and All is God. I go through this day with a song in my heart knowing that I am supported and sustained by the Power of the Almighty Living God. I believe and know that this Living God lives in me, works through me, and is present with me at all times. I am blessed this day lovingly and generously in all things. I know this is so. I let it be so, and so it is!

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dr. Joseph Murphy - Prayer for Security

"In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength." (Isaiah 30:15) I know that my inner feeling of security is based on my knowledge that God takes care of me, and I have confidence in His direction. My greatest security is that I know and feel God's Presence. I know deep down in my heart that God is the Source of all life and all blessings. God is with me and for me, He watches over me, He cares for me, He provides for me, He supports me, and He loves me. My thoughts are thoughts of fulfillment, since all of God's desires always are being fulfilled. He restoreth my soul and my thought life. His goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life, for I have chosen to dwell mentally and spiritually with God all the days of my life.
........... written by Dr. Joseph Murphy, 1965

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Live A Life Of Grace And Ease

I live a life of grace and ease for I maintain my connection with my Source; God, Infinite Spirit. I know that I am never separated from the Wisdom, Peace, Joy and Strength of my Source ... and my experiences reflect this awareness with grace and ease. I love living this life that is mine to experience. I grow ever closer to the Spirit within me as I involve God in all things that concern me. I know that Wisdom guides me and directs me in all that I do for I know that my recognition that this is so opens my consciousness to all the good that is mine. Each and every day I fill my mind with spiritual inspiration knowing that I of mine own self can do nothing without the Spirit that is my very life. I accept with deep gratitude that this life is a gift ... and I am so very grateful for it. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Weave A New Pattern Of Thought Through My Mind

Beginning in this moment I weave a new pattern of thought through my mind. I let the thoughts of the past be done, finished ... and I embrace in my mind a new idea of myself. This new idea that I embody today is that all that I do is successful, all that I accept for myself is good and very good. I accept the idea of me as a divine expression of Infinite Spirit filled with love, peace, joy and happiness. I accept the idea of me living a life filled with enthusiasm and passion for life, love and Truth. I accept the idea of me today living in financial abundance with enough to share and to spare. I accept the idea of me today as a living example of someone who has been greatly blessed and continues to be blessed with every good thing I can imagine for myself. I am ready to experience the good life and I begin to experience it right now in this very moment. I accept and believe that I am divinely guided and directed to realize the Good in all things and all people who enter into my experience of life. Today in this new vision and in this new consciousness, I accept that Spirit works through me, as me, and for me, to make everything possible, now. And so it is!

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Bright New Beginning

Credit to Dr. Frank Richelieu, "The Art Of Being Yourself" -

Say to yourself:
"In Spirit I live and move and have my being. Wherever I am, it is. Whatever it is, I am. Whenever I call upon it, it responds. I have but to align my consciousness to its infinite flow.
Today, I claim the consciousness that is mine. Today, I claim the joy that is mine. Today, I claim the peace that is mine. Today, I claim the harmony that is mine."

Claim these things. They are here for you. When you accept them, you are not taking from another. You are not diminishing the supply.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Never Ceasing Good

Credit to Dr. Frank Richelieu, "The Art Of Being Yourself"
Say to yourself:

"I am prosperous. I am prosperous in mind, heart, body and spirit.
I am prosperous in health. I am prosperous in ideas.
I am prosperous in love. I am prosperous in friendship. I
see and feel the prospering power of the Infinite flowing
through me. I receive my good, and I share my good. I keep
my good in circulation and it is never ceasing."

If you do this, the doors of life will open and your demand
will be met. The law of increase will bring your good into your life.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, October 2, 2008

More Money Is My Expectation

As I become more aware of the abundant nature of the Universe and God's infinite capacity to create, I realize and know that within me too, is the capacity to create a greater abundance. God-in-the-midst-of-me leads me and guides me to that which is prosperous and successful. The Law of My Mind is steadfast in knowing that God is my Supply and that God supplies me abundantly. I cannot be distracted by the seeming chaos on Wall Street or the timidity on Main Street. My abundance is not controlled by anything or anyone outside of me. Success and Prosperity are the Laws of my Life, now ... and more and more money is my expectation. I feel the joy in receiving money, the happiness of giving money, the harmony of circulating money ... knowing that Money is God in Action ... it is but a symbol of God's willingness to provide for me every Good thing I can imagine ... and right now my imagination is thrilled with the energy of acceptance and receptivity to more and more money. I give thanks for every penny, nickel and dime that comes to me, knowing that as I demonstrate money, more money comes to me in ever-increasing amounts. I am grateful that this is so ... I let it be so ... and so it is!

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Prayer for My Country

Please join in prayer to bless the U.S.A.

I know that Divine Intelligence governs the destiny of the United States of America, directing the thought and the activity of all who guide its affairs.

I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are the gifts of freedom and are the Divine heritage of everyone in this country.

I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are now operating in the affairs of every individual in this country.

I know that Divine guidance enlightens the collective mind of the people of this country, causing it to know that economic security may come to all without the loss of either personal freedom or individual self-expression.

I know that no one can believe or be led to believe that freedom must be surrendered in order to insure economic security for all.

The All-Knowing Mind contains the answer to every problem which confronts this country. I know that every leader in this country is now directed by this All-Knowing Mind and has the knowledge of a complete solution to every problem. Each is compelled to act upon this knowledge to the end that abundance, security, and peace shall come to all.

And I know that this spiritual democracy shall endure, guaranteeing to everyone in this country personal liberty, happiness, and self-expression.

…Ernest Holmes

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Spirit-filled Life

My mind is open and receptive to experiencing the Presence of Spirit in all that I do and in all things that concern me. I know that my spirit of confidence and self assurance is anchored by my trust and faith in Divine Guidance. I accept and identify with the Living Spirit within me and this acceptance empowers me to make the right decisions and choices that move me forward in an ever greater experience of prosperity, joy and success. I know that the Divine Plan for me today is to experience more of God, the Good ... and I am open and receptive to God's willingness to work with me, as me, and through me, so my mind is open to new ideas and a renewal of enthusiasm and expectancy of prosperity and success unfolding in my life now. I accept all the Good that is mine and in gratitude for this Good, I give of this Good generously with the conviction that the more I give the more I receive. I do not set any limits in my mind on the measure of Good that I accept for me and for all others as I witness the marvelous results of living a Spirit-filled life, now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Open to a Greater Good

As I open my mind to greater opportunities and prosperity, I keep my mind focused on God, the Good. I know that the Spirit is within me and is within the idea and desires for Good that come to me. I know that "it is the Father's good pleasure to give to me" ... and in this realization, I am never distracted from the Good that is mine. I know and understand that Good alone is real, and in this awareness of the All-Good, I accept that whatever I am experiencing today is guiding and directing me to a greater and greater Good. I accept that my mind is an instrument of Divine Mind and I align my thoughts with Its nature, feeling this Presence as a living reality in my every experience. My spirit is rich in joy, happiness, harmony, and peace with all things that concern me. I know that everything changes except for the deep faith and confidence within me that God is with me, in me, and for me, at all times and in all things. I accept the greatest Good that God has for me now and I fulfill my role in this Divine demonstration by giving and sharing the Good that is mine, joyfully and gratefully. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Live Fully Today

I know that every negative condition of the past is swept aside.
I refuse to see it or to think about it.
Yesterday is no longer here; tomorrow has not yet arrived.
Today is God's day.
God's day is my day.
Today, bright with hope and filled with promise, is mine.
I am alive, awake, and aware - today.
........... written by Dr. Ernest Holmes

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Health and Happiness

There is only One Life, that Life is God, and that Life is expressing Itself in all people. This Life, which is God, expresses as health, harmony and happiness, infinitely. There is that within each of us that knows this, for it is the Truth that is affirmed within our consciousness. I know right now in this moment that as I recognize this as the Truth for anyone, I recognize it as the Truth for everyone, for God is All, in All. I accept that my realization of this Truth reveals God's Perfect Presence in all people who are open and receptive to a greater experience of health, harmony and happiness. I believe and accept that God, Infinite Spirit, responds to my knowing that this health, harmony and happiness is of God ... and in this awareness, Truth permeates my consciousness as I speak my word of healing definitely and specifically for myself and for all others. I am grateful for knowing that no one is ever separated from God and no one is ever separated from health, harmony and happiness. In this consciousness, I accept an instantaneous healing for all those who seek to be healed, to be loved, to be safe and to be secure ... for I know that whatever Good I accept in my mind, has already been accepted in Divine Mind, for me and for all others. I rejoice and give thanks that this is so ... now and always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good and More Good

In his book, "Living The Science of Mind," Dr. Holmes suggests that we repeat this affirmation a thousand times each day. I am certain he did not mean literally a thousand times, but as many times as possible. It definitely creates a "shift" in consciousness. Here it is:

Good and more Good is mine.
An ever-increasing Good is mine.
Everywhere I go I see this Good, I feel it, I experience It.
It crowds itself against me, flows through me, expresses Itself in me,
and multiplies Itself around me.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Right Solutions

From Dr. Ernest Holmes, "How to Change Your Life":

I know that my every thought and act is governed by a superior Intelligence.

There is something in me that knows what to do.
It not only knows what to do, but It compels me to act upon what It knows.
Therefore, everything I ought to do, I shall do; anything I ought to know, I shall know.
Whatever seeming problems or difficulties may confront me, with complete assurance I accept Divine guidance.
Right now there is the right solution for my every problem.
There is an inner, quiet, flowing stream of Life that carries me surely and safely to my proper destination and to the accomplishment of my every good purpose.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Beyond the Appearance

I rejoice and give thanks for knowing that God, Infinite Spirit, in me, has the ability and awareness to look through even the most challenging conditions or circumstances, and know that Good is all there is ... surrounding me and pressing against me. I know that as I heighten my awareness and look only to God, the Good ... my Good is assured. I know and I believe that God has blessed me and everyone with spiritual insight ... and I do not let my eyes deceive me into believing in something other than God, Good. I am strong in my faith ... consistent in my trust ... and I accept my Good now. I let it be so ... and so it is!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How Can I Serve?

In this sacred moment I feel that eternal connection with God, Infinite Spirit. I know and I know that I know, that Spirit is my power and my life. I know that today I am to serve the Greater Good and I am willing to act on this truth. Realizing within my mind that all that I need to know, I can know, I ask Spirit, "how can I serve?"... and as I listen to that "still small voice within" I know that the answer is revealed to me. I am blessed to know that there is a way for me to release the gifts within me ... the gifts of God contained in my consciousness. My skills and abilities contain the highest of potential for they are of God. I know that the world needs my gifts and I give of them graciously and generously. And in my understanding of that which I am seeking, is seeking me ... I find my right and perfect place, right and perfect way, to express the imprisoned splendor from within. I accept this as so, I let it be so ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I Am Grateful

I rejoice and give thanks that I know that there is only One Presence, One Power and One Intelligence .... moving as Mind throughout the cosmos. I know that I am of this Presence, this Power and this Intelligence ... and in this understanding I realize and recognize that I can claim the riches that are mine now. I know that as I claim that which is mine, God responds to me ... and in this deepest acknowledgement of my unity with the Creator, my spirt sings and soars in heightened enthusiasm and expectation. My Good is my God and my God is here and now ... and this is the Truth that sets me free from thoughts of delay or obstruction. I give thanks for the fulfillment of the Good that is mine in this very moment. God's peace fills my soul and permeates my mind. I rest in quiet confidence that God, Infinite Spirit responds to me now. I let it be so ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prayer-Treatment for A Marriage

From "Think Yourself Rich" by Dr. Joseph Murphy: (change the gender as appropriate)

I know my desire for marriage and happiness is the voice of God in me urging me to lead a full and happy life. I know that I am one with the Infinite now. I know and believe there is a man waiting to love and cherish me. I know I can contribute to his happiness and peace. I can be a great asset to him. I can cherish, love, and inspire him to greatness, just as he inspires me. He loves my ideals, and I love his ideals. He does not want to make me over; neither do I want to make him over. There are mutual love, freedom, and respect between us. These words go forth and accomplish whereunto they are sent. I have written this request in my subconscious mind with faith and confidence, and I decree it is done, finished, and established in my deeper mind. Whenever I think of marriage, I shall remind myself that the Infinite Intelligence of my subconscious is bringing this to pass in Divine order.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Demonstrating Money

From "Think Yourself Rich" by Dr. Joseph Murphy:

I acknowledge and praise the Source within and I make contact with my thought. I give thanks that the gateway to riches is now open wide for me. God's riches flow freely to me, and more and more money is circulating in my life every day. Every day of my life I grow richer spiritually, mentally, financially, and in all ways. Money is God's idea circulating in my life, and there is always a surplus. I give thanks to the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy (I Timothy 6:17).

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Discipline Your Mind For Money

This is from Dr. Joseph Murphy (Power of Your Subconscious Mind): Repeat the following affirmation for five minutes each night and morning:

I am now writing in my subconscious mind the idea of God's wealth. God is the Source of my supply; and all my needs are met at every moment of time and point of space. God's wealth flows freely, joyously, and ceaselessly into my experience, and I give thanks for God's riches forever circulating in my experience.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Total and Complete Confidence

I rejoice and give thanks for knowing that the Power and the Presence of the Infinite is always available to me. I know that every idea that moves through my mind is directed by Infinite Intelligence. My faith in this Intelligence is unshakable ... no matter what I may think at any given moment, my thoughts and my faith are directed toward God, the Good. I know that my life and my Good is complete at all times for I know the Truth, now and always. I know that God, the Good, is always with me and always sustaining my total and complete confidence in It. My faith draws my Good to me as I believe and I accept a greater Good each and every day. I know this Power that dwells within me is silently working for my Good at all times and in all ways. I never doubt my ability to receive my Good nor God's willingness to give to me that which is mine. I know that this is the truth for me and for all those who put their faith in God, Infinite Good. The way of the Spirit is grace and ease, and I accept this way as my way now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happiness IS

There is neither sadness nor disappointment in Spirit, for the Nature of God continually affirms the Good in All things. I allow the happiness that is of the Spirit to flow through my heart and my mind without obstruction. As I gather my thoughts and dwell on God, Infinite Spirit, I find the perfect expression of happiness fills my soul. I erase from my consciousness any belief in anything that contradicts the Omnipresent Good that surrounds me, presses against me and flows through me. This happiness that moves through me energizes my body creating a greater sense of health and wholeness that is mine to experience. Spirit lifts me up to my highest ideal of health, happiness and harmony ... harmonizing all conditions and circumstance that concern me. I am always Divinely guided and directed to that which fulfills and sustains my desire for expansion and growth. My life is a continual demonstration of Spirit's Presence in my life. I know this is so ... and I let it be so ... now.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Perfect Fulfillment Established

There is within me a Power that is complete and unshakable. This Power within me is the Spirit which I call God. I realize that this Power is within all people. It is God-in-me that has this awareness and It reveals Itself to me through everything that I see. I know and I know that I know, that Spirit responds to me ... to my word, my thoughts, my imagination and my visualizations ... for I am of It and in It, always and forever. In this moment I recognize this Truth for me and for everyone, knowing that this relationship with the Divine is immutable and eternal. I am definite and positive that my Good comes to me daily. Daily I accept health, happiness, harmony, joy, love, peace and abundant success and prosperity. I have no needs as I am always supplied with all that is necessary for the good life. I know that Spirit works for my Good in all things with grace and ease. I am never without a solution, for my awareness of my relationship with God is my solution for any seeming difficulties. I always know what I need to know when I need to know it ... and I always have what I need to have when I need to have it. My life is aligned with right action and right timing. I know and I believe that God-in-me manifests abundance through my consciousness of wealth and infinite supply. My consciousness is free of anything unlike Good ... and I am free, happy and grateful for everything that is mine to experience ... perfect fulfillment is established in my consciousness ... now. ... and so it is!

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Complete Faith In God

I have a complete faith in God, Infinite Spirit. I sustain this faith by listening for that "still small voice" that speaks to me of love, of peace, of harmony, and happiness. I depend on this guidance and support as I move forward accepting and enjoying a greater experience of success in all things that I do. My faith in always focused on the Good, that which affirms life, and that which increases and expands the greatest Good for all. I am always living in faith for my trust is in Almighty God, Infinite Presence. Nothing outside of me disturbs me for I know that All Power is in God ... the Good. I move forward each day with enthusiasm and confidence always assured that my Good shall be revealed in all things. I am always so very grateful for the Good that is revealed in my life for I know the source of my Good is God. I align myself with the ever-present Spirit and in quiet confidence I affirm that life is good all the time. Nothing can shake my faith in this Truth that permeates my consciousness, comes forth in the words that I speak, and is permanently impressed upon my subconscious. My complete faith in God is all that I shall ever require to guarantee that my life reflects the best that I can imagine for myself. I know this is so ... I let it be so. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Awake to the Good

"No good can come to us unless it make its advent through the center of God Consciousness which we are. The hope of destiny is latent in the slumbering thought and genius lies buried until the attention is winged with love and reason. To help those in need is indeed a great privilege. But the blind cannot lead the blind. We must awake to the realization that a Divine Partnership has already been formed between the seen and the invisible." - Dr. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

Today, I am conscious of my great faith and belief that the Universe supports me in my Good. I live without doubt and uncertainty for I know that the Good that I desire, God desires this very same Good for me. I know that as I depend on the Power of God, Infinite Spirit, I realize and actualize success, prosperity, joy, happiness, and love. I know that I am ready to accept .... and ready to receive my Good now. My consciousness is filled with Good and more Good ... my heart sings "life is Good all the time" ... and I am immersed in this Truth as I move forward enjoying the best of times and the best of everything ... now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, July 17, 2008


"This is the law of prosperity: When apparent adversity comes, be not cast down by it, but make the best of it, and always look forward for better things, for conditions more prosperous. To hold yourself in this attitude of mind is to set into operation subtle, silent, and irresistible forces that sooner or later will actualize in material form that which is to-day merely an idea. But ideas have power, and ideas, when rightly planted and rightly tended, are the seeds that actualize material conditions. ........... NEVER give a moment to complaint, but utilize the time that would otherwise be spent in this way in looking forward and acualizing the conditions you desire. Suggest prosperity to yourself. See yourself in a prosperous condition. Affirm that you will before long be in a prosperous condition. Affirm it calmly and quietly, but strongly and confidently. Believe it, believe it absolutely. Expect it, keep it continually watered with expectation. You thus make yourself a magnet to attract things that you desire. Don't be afraid to suggest, to affirm these things, for by so doing you put forth an ideal which will begin to clothe itself in material form. In this way you are utilizing agents among the most subtle and powerful in the universe. If you are particularly desirous for anything that you feel it is good and right for you to have, something that will broaden your life or that will increase your usefulness to others, simply hold the thought that at the right time, in the right way, and through the right instrumentality, there will come to you or there will open up for you the way whereby you can attain what you desire." - Ralph Waldo Trine, "In Tune With The Infinite"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


"If you want to demonstrate prosperity, you must have a consciousness of prosperity. If you want to demonstrate activity, you must have a consciousness of activity. No matter what we are or what we want to demonstrate, we must have a consciousness of that thing. Certain thoughts produce certain things, and an opposite thought neutralizes it and the like thought adds to it. ... Dr. Ernest Holmes, "Love and Law"

As I recognize that all that I can accept is mine, I can know that I can receive within my consciousness a greater prosperity and financial supply now. I know that there is no lack in the Universe ... no lack of any Good thing. Knowing that ideas are spiritual coin, I affirm that the right and perfect ideas come to me to demonstrate great prosperity in my life. I am awake, alert, and willing to serve in whatever capacity to accept and receive the Good that is mine. I realize that the Universe is filled with untold riches and opportunities. I know that as I unify in my mind with this idea and believe and accept that I am part of this unity of wealth and prosperity, greater opportunities for wealth and prosperity are opened for me. As I depend on Principle to open the doors of opportunity, my thoughts and beliefs are aligned with wealth, success and prosperity. I know that the Law can only give me what I am receptive to ... so therefore, no idea or thought of lack shall enter through the door of my consciousness ... wealth and only wealth is mine ... an ever-increasing wealth is mine ... now. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, July 11, 2008


PRESENT THE TRUTH TO THE SELF .... Perhaps at first we receive no response. We do it again. We continue presenting the Truth to the self until the first thing we know it is established as a conviction. The idea of perfection within, presented over and over to the self, creates our belief. - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, "All Power To You"

I enter into the silence believing that everything that requires healing in my life, is healed. I know that all healing is done in the silence. This is my conviction and I know it is the truth. I accept within myself that God-in-me knows what to do, and does it ... to bring forth the desires of my heart; health, happiness, love, success, and prosperity. I have a quiet confidence in the Truth for I know that It knows no opposition. I bring to the surface of my conscious mind the recognition that I am in the presence of the Presence. It permeates my mind, my heart and my soul. I am not certain where my spirit leaves off and the One Spirit begins for I feel immersed in Its love and Its infinite Good-ness. I know that I am safe and secure, and that my life is sustained by the One Life which is God. This is the Truth for me and for everyone, as there is only One .. and I am in It and of It ... It is my life, my success, my health, my prosperity, my happiness, my joy ... and my love. This is the Truth. I am convinced of the Truth and It demonstrates an abundant Good in my life ... always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, July 10, 2008


God-In-Me is the Source and Substance of my supply and I prosper abundantly. ... Realize the God Power within you is but the point at which Infinite Principle is finding manifestation. It is not only the source of your supply - the actual substance itself. God within you is the substance and the supply. When you find God within yourself as the source and substance, recognize God as abundant, unlimited supply, wealth and money. Then "all" these things are added unto "you." This is a clear exposition of metaphysical law. - Dr. Robert Bitzer, "All Power To You"

Knowing that All Is God and All Is Good, I let thoughts of Good permeate my consciousness, as I know my Good thoughts are God-In-Me. I give all power to these thoughts realizing that it is the Power of God that sustains the Good that I imagine for myself. As I recognize that God-In-Me is my prosperity, I expect and accept the demonstration of prosperity and abundant living. Each day my experiences are the out-picturing of the Good that I dwell upon, contemplate, and receive within my consciousness. I dwell upon abundance, affluence, wealth, opulence and generosity. God is generous with me and I am generous with everyone. I give generously and therefore I receive abundantly every Good thing I can imagine for myself. I believe in the Power that sustains my Good thoughts. I believe in God and I believe that God-is-in-me, now and always. My demonstrations of Good and more Good is evidence of God's Presence and Power in my life. And for all this and so much more, I give thanks to God in all things. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I recognize that nothing can come to me unless my thought permits it.
My mind is clear because I recognize God, the only Reality, as the
Good expressing in and through me now. No confusion can exist in my
thought for my mind is one with the Mind of God. No discord can enter
my consciousness because I know God as Love and Understanding.
My thought reflects itself around me and I am surrounded by harmony,
love and perfect understanding.
And so it is.

- Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, "All Power To You"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, July 7, 2008


I recognize that the unlimited power of God motivates everything that I say, feel and do. I am receptive to every idea that establishes my Good. I know that nothing can separate me from my Creative Source or the expression of my ability.

For God-in-me quickens my perception and opens all channels for the continuous release of my Good. No belief in inherited tendencies can limit me for I am the individualized expression of God.

Nothing in my thought, feeling nor action can resist nor deny the inevitable flow of my good. This moment I recognize my Oneness with God.

I joyously accept all the privileges of the sons of God. For all that the Father hath belongs to me.

from Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, 1940, "ALL POWER TO YOU"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Prospering in the Stillness

I get still and know that God Is right where I am, working always for my highest and greatest Good. I fill my consciousness with the Truth and allow prosperity to reign supreme within my mind. My mind is focused on God, the Good ... and all things come to me with grace and ease. I let go of any thought that claims that my prosperity is restricted or limited in any way. I know this is just the un-truth making a false claim against my senses. I let God loose in my consciousness and my imagination is enlarged in its capacity to claim a greater Good than ever before. I depend on Principle for my everything ... and Principle responds to me with grace and ease. "Before I ask" ... my Good is made manifest for my good use ... and for this, I am eternally grateful. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, July 4, 2008

Life In The Spirit Is Free

I know that the Spirit is free and unobstructed. It is Infinite; Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. It is in me and around me, pressing against me within and without. It is the very life of me for It is the only Life there is. I recognize myself as being complete, perfect, and free. I know that Truth is subtle, yet precise, so I know and understand that I am not one with Infinite Mind, but one in It. There is no separation for God Is All. All that I think, I think in God. Every idea that I have, is an idea in God. As God is Infinite, my capacity to think, to will, to imagine, is infinite. I am never without a solution for every seeming problem, nor am I ever separated from God the Good, by any condition or circumstance that I may find myself in. My Good is Omnipresent and Omnipotent ... it is unobstructed. The Spirit is free and therefore I am free. I am free in the Spirit and that is the only true freeedom there is. I know this is so ... and I let it be so. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Eliminating "seeming" obstructions

The Spirit has no past. It has never been bound by any external conditions. It has always been, and forever will remain, free and independent of conditions. I am of the essence of pure Spirit. I am one with God. I know there is no limitation operating in, around or through me. There is no burden of race belief obstructing me.

It makes no difference what happened yesterday, or what has happened in the past for me or for anyone. My word is a law of elimination of all beliefs and obstructions, no matter where they may come from. I am not bound by anything that has ever happened. The Spirit is creating everything new in my life today. I am free and unfettered. I dwell in the secret place of the most High. There is no fear, no uncertainty, no hesitation, no doubt.

Everything that I do shall prosper. The doorway of opportunity is open before me today. Everything that I do, say and think is stimulated by Divine Intelligence, impulsed by Divine Love. I am guided, directed and guarded into right action. Today, goodness, abundance, happiness, joy, success and friendship are increasingly made manifest in my experience.
And so it is.
*modified from a treatment written by Dr. Ernest Holmes

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Every Time I Turn Around ...

Every time I turn around, God is blessing me. I feel so grateful for the immense blessings that have manifested in my life and for the blessings unfolding into my life. I know that the All-Good that God Is, provides me with everything necessary for the greatest and happiest experience of life. Knowing that All things come to me with grace and ease, I relax into Mind as I contemplate the ideas for Good that come to my awareness. I know there is enough Good to share and to spare and so I am never concerned about lack or limitation in any Good thing. As I think into Mind how blessed I am ... I am even more blessed than ever. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Prosperity Unfolding

I rejoice and give thanks that prosperity is unfolding with grace and ease in my life now. I know that the Source of my Good; God, Infinite Spirit, blesses me abundantly today with success and prosperity in all that I do. I know that the "laborer is worthy of his/her hire" and so I know that the work that I do and have done, is compensated through my consciousness of Infinite Supply. I believe and know that I believe ... that the Universe continually supports me in realizing prosperity and success to a greater degree than ever before. I allow this Infinite Presence to work for me ... through me ... by opening my mind to an increase in all things Good now. Everyone I meet today cooperates in supporting my success and financial increase. Everyone I meet today is benefited by this cooperation with me. I know that the Universe is a "Unity" ... and the Good for one, is Good for All. I accept this as the truth for me and for everyone now. I let it be so with gratitude and thanksgiving ... and it is so now.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Joy In Knowing

I feel the joy in knowing that God Is Present right where I am. I know that as my mind adjusts to this highest of Truth, I can know that all things are working for my Good. Wherever God Is, Good is ... and this I know is the truth for me and for everyone. This truth lifts me up and I feel a greater measure of enthusiasm as I let my mind be absorbed by the Good. Knowing that God is Present keeps me motivated and my intuition is heightened as I listen for guidance and direction. As I silently commune with the Infinite I feel the sweet joy in knowing that all is well ... that I am in my perfect right place ... and that all things unfold with grace and ease as I open my mind to a greater and more glorious experience of life. "Today is the day the Lord hath made and let's rejoice and be glad in it" ... these wise and beautiful words remind me that what I am accepting as truth becomes the Law of my Life ... and so I accept that my life is a joyous and prosperous unfoldment of every Good thing I can imagine for myself. Knowing this is so, I direct my thoughts towards that which is lovely, wonderful and beautiful ... knowing that as I see my life in this way ... this is the way it is. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, June 21, 2008

All Is Well, Right Where I Am

I feel the blessing of knowing that the Presence of the Presence of God is right where I am. I feel Its Love, Harmony, Peace, and Joy within me and without. I know that everything I see, hear, feel, taste, and touch, is part of this Presence and all is well. I realize that my conviction that Good permeates all things, reveals a greater Good to me. I accept that my beliefs about the world in which I live are reflected back to me and create my reality. Knowing that the true Reality includes both the Seen and the Un-Seen, I am never disturbed by any appearance that seeks to deny the All-ness of Good ... the Omnipresence of God, Itself. I accept within my consciousness that the Power of Infinite Spirit knows no opposition and so I focus my mind on the Good and the Very Good ... and only the Good is revealed to me. I know that the nature of God resides within my consciousness, working through me and for me creating my highest Good in every condition and circumstance that I find myself in. I know that as I accept a greater Good in my mind ... without doubting ... this Good manifests in the right and perfect time and in the right and perfect way. I accept this Good knowing that it is mine ... for it is the Infinite's will that my Good comes to me with grace and ease. I accept this Good with a grateful and joyous heart filled with love and thanksgiving. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Because I Believe

Because I believe in the Power of God and know that the Law of good operates upon my word of faith, I speak this word with complete abandonment. I speak it with enthusiasm and joy. I speak it with a deep sense of calmness and peace. I know that I am governed by Divine Intelligence, that my word is a channel of inspiration through which guidance continually flows to me.

I am completely receptive to this guidance and live in a consciousness of joyful expectation of the good, acknowledging that God, around, in and through me, is the only power there is operating in all I do, say or think. I let this power direct me into constructive channels of self-expression.
And so it is.
- written by Dr. Ernest Holmes

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Strong in the Infinite Spirit Of Life

While it is impossible for one to make a formula which another should follow, the following may perchance contain some little suggestions - each must follow his or her own leading and, therefore, method.
"My Father in Heaven, Infinite Spirit of life and love and wisdom and power, in whom I live and move and have my being, whence cometh my help, manifest Thyself in me.

Help me to open myself to the highest wisdom and insight and love and power, that I may serve Thee and my fellow-men, and all my fellow-creatures faithfully, and that I may have the Divine guidance and care, and that all my needs be supplied.
Oh Christ (Spirit) within, enfold and lead me and reign supreme, that the One Life that is my life I may realize and manifest ever more fully.
I am strong in the Infinite Spirit of life and love and wisdom and power. I have and shall have the Divine guidance and care; for it is the Father that worketh in me - My Father works and I work."
............ Ralph Waldo Trine, "In Tune With The Infinite"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, June 14, 2008


My attitude toward life is positive and constructive. I am not antagonistic toward any circumstance or condition, but I am positive in my recognition that Good prevails. My God-Self, in all Its Power, is in conscious control of my life, now.

This positive conviction directs everything in my life. There is that within me which knows where I am going and knows why I shall do everything that I do today. I cannot waver, for my direction is definite. All my energy of spirit and mind is directed constructively. I do not permit myself to wander mentally, emotionally, or physically. All of my actions are directed. Everything I do is the fulfillment of a purpose.

I act with certainty in the conviction that right governs. I am not apologetic to anyone for my actions, nor do I trespass upon the rights of others. My positiveness brings to me only that which is my own and does not interfere with the Good of anyone else. I provide no loophole for escape from my immortal destiny.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." - II Timothy 4:7

........... written by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, 1957

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Feel Good Faith

I rejoice and give thanks for the best of times and the best of everything. Everywhere I go I experience a greater demonstration of peace, love, joy and happiness. Everything that I do succeeds and prospers for success and prosperity are firmly established in my consciousness. I am always confident that everything that I need comes to me in the right and perfect time ... and it does. I know that I shall always be receptive to a greater Good in my experience as I foster and nurture a "feel good faith" that expresses from deep within my soul. No false sense of modesty or unworthiness shall ever enter my mind for I know that it is for my good and the good of all that I demonstrate the best that Life has to offer me. I know that there is always enough and more for everyone and I only receive that which is mine. I unify with the Good in my mind and I feel the presence of Good surrounding me and pressing against me. I welcome my Good eagerly and with enthusiasm. My "feel good faith" sees me through as I demonstrate a greater Good in every area of my life, now. I know that my faith is one with the faith of God ... and I know that since God has faith in me ... my ever-increasing desires for Good and more Good are fulfilled to my great satisfaction. And for this and so much more ... I am deeply grateful. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eliminating Fear

I realize myself to be the perfect manifestation of truth; I am one in the Infinite Mind by reason of the fact that there is but one Mind and in order to be all, there must be nothing between this Infinite Mind and myself. I recognize myself as being complete, total, and perfect. In spite of any fear, in spite of any foolishness, I am yet absolutely perfect. That thing which calls itself fear has no ground for the opinion. The one perfect mind is my Mind now. In this one Mind I am healed and known as perfect, complete, limitless, intelligent, radiant, strong, vital, and divine being. There is that in me which recognizes this thing. There is that in me which is open and receptive to this great perfect life. ... and so it is.
- adapted from Ernest Holmes, "Love and Law"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, June 8, 2008


"God endowed me with the ability to succeed. This God quality of success brings success in all that I do. Divine Principle always fulfills. Everything I undertake I complete. Wherever I go I act in confidence. ... Success is operative in my business and in my finances. Everything I need to prosper is made manifest; the right merchandise, the right customers, the right ideas, nd the right clients. The value of my service is recognized, appreciated, and remunerated. Success governs every transaction. ... The principle of success is manifest in my home, in my marriage, in my relationships with those whom I love. Perfect understanding and appreciation govern. ... This consciousness of success surrounds me with successful people. Nothing of limitation can exist because the infiniteness of God's abundance is sustained. Everyone with whom I work prospers. Everything my thought touches prospers. God knows no favorites but blesses all." - Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, "the creative word"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, June 7, 2008


O Spirit of man and God within me, Thy Power is great, and Thy Knowledge goes beyond the range of human experience.
Thy Wisdom excels that of all else, and beside Thee there is none other.
In Thy Strength do I daily walk and live;
In Thy Presence do I always rest in peace and joy.
Spirit within me and without, Powerful Thou art, and Great;
Wonderful is Thy Might, and Complete is Thy Understanding.
I let Thy Mighty Strength flow through me,
And out into all the paths of my human endeavors.
Life from within expresses through me.
- Dr. Ernest Holmes, 1926 The Science of Mind

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, June 6, 2008

Searching for God

"Wherever you are, God is. ... Know, you who seek Him, that He seeks you more steadfastly. He seeks you. He loves you. He will not let you be. You could not walk alone, not for a moment, not in the darkest night. Though you stretched not out your hand, yet your hand would be in His. Though you held not out your heart, yet His heart would infold you." - James Dillet Freeman (author and leader of Unity, made his transition on April 9, 2003)

I know that wherever I am, God is, for the Spirit of God in-dwells me. I know that every seeming challenge that may appear in my life, is God calling to me to go higher in my conscious awareness of Its Presence in my life. I am never worried, never concerned, at any moment in time, for I know that I am living in the Presence of the Presence of God. In God I live and move and have my being, and in me, God seeks to express Itself as the Good in all things that concern me. As I direct my awareness to God, Infinite Spirit, I know that All the Power of the Universe supports me in my Good. I live each day in right action and Divine timing. I move, in mind, definitely towards a greater Good at all times. I know that my Good is increasing at all levels. And I am experiencing a greater capacity for success, prosperity, love and joy every day. I am grateful that this is so ... I let it be so ... and so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Prosperity Is Assured

I rejoice and give thanks for knowing that God works through my consciousness to bring forth the great increase of prosperity that I accept for myself and for all others today. Knowing that All Is God and All Is Mind, I realize that there is no opposition to my Good. I open my mind to the Infinite Flow of prosperity and I make use of this increase in positive and constructive ways that enhance my life and the life of others. I enjoy the Good Life for it is God's desire for me to receive all that I choose for myself. I know and accept that everything that enters my consciousness comes from the One Mind ... and it is Good. I accept the best of times and the best of everything ... now ... for there is more than enough to share and to spare. I live lavishly in happiness, joy, love and in harmony with Life. I freely give and freely receive ... trusting that Spirit always supplies me abundantly through my consciousness of prosperity. I feel a marvelous feeling of gratitude knowing that God, Infinite Spirit, is with me always and in all-ways.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, June 2, 2008

Everything I Need To Know

There is only One Mind, that Mind is God and that Mind is my mind now. Knowing that my mind is in unity with the One Mind, I know and I know that I know that Mind reveals to me everything I need to know when I need to know it. I do not have to push and pressure anyone for answers ... or spend countless hours searching for the information that I require. All I must do is open my mind to the One Mind ... that which is All Knowing ... and the information that is necessary for me to move forward into a greater expression of Life ... comes to me with grace and ease ... from known and unknown channels. In this realization I know that this Power that is within me ... is the same Power that created the Universe in perfect Order. And I know that as I stay on focus and live my life on purpose ... all things come to me in perfect Law and Order to manifest the Good that I desire in the right and perfect time. I feel empowered to move forward into a greater expression of my life's purpose ... I accept everything that is necessary for It's complete and perfect manifestation. My love, my joy, my strength and my hope is centered on Principle as I live in the perfect life that is mine ... now.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Within Me Is The Power To Believe

"And this is life eternal ..." - John 17:3

I put aside all beliefs in a mortal self because I know that I am Immortal Mind. An entire new world is open before me now that I understand the creativeness of Mind. I know that my emotions cannot use me, I use my emotions; not can body enslave me, because body is my servant. I do not permit myself to think in terms of body, age, nor emotional feeling. I am Immortal Mind and body responds to my thinking.

The Spirit within me which is God, is neither young nor old. It knows nothing about age. Spirit in me knows this same truth about me. I am neither young nor old. I am the awareness of God Mind conscious of its own divine completeness. I am not afraid of years nor do I have any dread of time. I live in the eternality of being. Immortality is not something I must gain; it is the consciousness I already have. I was born with it.
- Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, "the creative word"

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Friday, May 30, 2008


I shall keep the promise that I have made to myself.
I shall never again tell myself that I am poor, sick, weak nor unhappy.
I shall not lie to myself any more, but shall daily speak the truth to my inner Soul,
telling It that It is wonderful and marvelous; that It is One with the Great Cause of all Life,
Truth, Power and Action.
I shall whisper these things into my Soul until it breaks forth into songs of joy
with the realization of Its Limitless possibilities.
I shall assure my Soul.
- Dr. Ernest Holmes, 1926 The Science of Mind

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Recognizing That It Is

I am surrounded by Good, by God ... for Its Presence is closer to me than breathing, nearer than hands and feet ... for God is within me and pressing against me. I am filled with the Spirit, with Life ... and I know that it is the Presence that animates my body, my mind and my senses. My mind is in tune with the Presence as I recognize that It is in All and through All. I know that as I recognize the Spirit today in the things that concern me ... I shall realize a greater Good from each and every situation I find myself in today. Recognizing that God is love, joy, happiness, peace, harmony, beauty and light ... I know and I know that I know, these things will be revealed to me in a greater measure today than ever before. As I recognize God's Presence ... I recognize Good ... and Good and more Good is mine today ... enough to share and to spare. There is no lack of Good in the Universe and there is no lack of Good in my life. There is no lack of love in the Universe and there is no lack of love in my life. There is no lack of beauty, peace and harmony in the Universe and there is no lack of these things in my life. Knowing that all of this is true for me and for everyone ... I am filled with great joy and happiness in every moment of this day. I share this joy and happiness with everyone I meet ... and therefore more and more joy is mine. I accept these things as the Truth for me today ... and always. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blooming Where I Am Planted

I rejoice and give thanks for knowing that I am in my right and perfect place and that my Good is being revealed right where I am. I know that the Spirit has given me everything that is necessary for me to "bloom where I am planted" ... and I know that as the "lillies do not toil" ... there is no necessity for me to either. My recognition that I am supplied with all my needs, wants and desires, eliminates all necessity for struggle or tension. Knowing that my Good manifests through the Great Invisible, I know that as I open my mind to the Good ... Good shows up ... in the right and perfect time. I spend my time productively by imaging and affirming my Good ... creating a great love within me for the Good and for God. And as I know that this Life is God in expression as me ... I know and accept that my every desire is God's desire for me ... and so I lift my awareness to know that the only Power in the Universe is God ... and in this knowing ... I realize that I am fully supported in all things Good that I can imagine for myself. I never depend on person, place, or thing ... only on Principle ... and as I foster and nurture Principle in my consciousness ... Principle knows and does that which increases my success, prosperity, happiness, joy and love. And so today and every day, I am blooming where I am planted!
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Monday, May 26, 2008

My Life Is The Positive Expression Of Good

"... the upright shall have good things in possession.". - Prov. 28:10

THE MOMENTUM of my life is forward, and nothing can cause me to swerve. There is that within me which is conscious of my objective and everything in my life speeds me toward its goal. Subjective Mind in me does everything necessary to keep me on this straight path. Anything that I need to know to increase my efficiency is made known. Whatever I need to include in my life is brought in by Subjective Mind.

My forward path is steady and my effort is consistent. I complete each experience as it arises, rejoicing that this makes way for a larger experience. I welcome each opportunity to put forth my best effort.

No one can take that which belongs to me nor can I take that which belongs to someone else. I do not permit doubt nor fear. No erratic action exists in my life, for my energy is directed orderly. This positive attitude toward my objective keeps me constantly at my best and right action always governs.
- Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, Founder, Hollywood Church of Religious Science

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Divine Principle Abundantly Supplies All That I Desire

"... we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen." - II Cor. 4:18

THE EVER responsiveness of Divine Principle assures me of my security. I know that whatever I need is always made manifest. My prosperity is not limited by things because I know that consciousness is the creative power. I am aware of an infinite capacity to receive and an infinite capacity to express. I know that God Mind in me is right knowing.

No concept of limitation can interfere with my abundance. Definiteness does not create limitation because each idea that I complete and demonstrate is superseded by a new idea which I complete and demonstrate. Forms of expression are steps in an ever progressing consciousness of abundance. I have no fear of limitation because it can never be anything but a thought. Since I control that which I think, I cannot be in bondage to any thought. The Intelligence within me which chooses he idea is the same Intelligence that releases it as a completed cycle. Divine Principle expresses abundance in me at all times.
- written by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, Founder, Hollywood Church of Religious Science

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Absolute Faith in God

I have an absolute faith in God, Infinite Spirit and as surely as I live and breathe, I know that my life is God expressing Itself as me and through me. Knowing that God is One and indivisible, I know that I live and move and have my being in Spirit. I believe that God in-dwells me and in-dwells All of Life. I know and I know that I know, that God is Spirit and Spirit is Mind ... and since there is only One Mind ... what is known anywhere can be known everywhere. I know and I accept that my absolute faith in God is gifted to me by God Itself. I know my relationship with God is a spiritual union that can never be broken. My desires are God's desires for me ... my accomplishments are God's perfect work in form. I blend perfectly with God and God is my light, my love, and my everything. I know that God and only God gives me the fullness of joy and the satisfaction of a life of happiness and success in all things that concern me. I see God in all things and in all people and this absolute faith that this is true, reflects back to me as Good and more Good in my life experience. I remain ever-faithful to God ... to Life ... and to the Principle that responds to me without fail. I know this faith is a great blessing and for it and so much more ... I am forever grateful. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spiritual Sensation

I know that as I affirm that the attributes of God; peace, love, joy, harmony, wisdom, happiness ... are within me, I am affirming that God and I are One. Whatever it is that I desire to do, God desires it for me. Whenever I begin, God begins with me ... to bring forth the highest and the greatest Good that I can imagine for myself. I know that as within, so without ... and so I begin to use my Divine Imagination to embody the Good that I desire to experience. In quiet confidence, I see myself as I choose to be ... and I see myself having that which I choose to have. As I live in this image of my life that I have chosen, I feel a spiritual sensation flow through my mind and heart as I accept that which is mine. I know who I am and I know what I am about ... and as I maintain this image of myself, I am never without that which brings a greater happiness and joy into my heart. I know that God works for me, through me ... and so I am definite in that which I choose to experience ... knowing that the Law of Life supports me always. Knowing that my Good is right now ... I rejoice and give thanks that it is so. And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Believe

Taken from the writings of Dr. Ernest Holmes:

I believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute and self-existent cause. I believe in the incarnation of Spirit in everyone and that all people are incarnations of the One Spirit. I believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding. I believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete emancipation from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all. I believe in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God. I believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling Presence. I believe that the Universal Spirit, which is God, operates through a Universal Mind, which is the Law of God; and that I am surrounded by this Creative Mind which receives the direct impress of my thought and acts upon it. I believe in the healing of the sick through the power of this Mind. I believe in the control of conditins through the power of this Mind. I believe in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-Kindness, and the eternal Giving-ness of Life to all. I believe in my own soul, my own spirit and my own destiny; for I understand that the life of all, is God.
And so it is.

Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates