Faith Offering / Donation
Monday, December 31, 2007
December 31, 2007 & Happy New Year!
From Dr. Robert H. Bitzer: "I am fully aware of my infinite being now. This present moment knows nothing of the past and is not subject to the future. I am not in bondage to any experiences that I have ever had. I am Infinite Mind knowing its limitless capacity to be. ... Since mind is eternally producing new manifestations of itself, I release all past experiences. No matter how great the good in my past, I am greater than it. I do not live in my past nor am I even subconsciously influenced by it. My awareness today has all the power necessary to make my new experiences that which I want them to be. ... I release all completed experiences for the eternal now includes only this present moment. Today I make my life that which I want my life to be. I am not dominated by any belief that I am subject to my past or have to wait for the future. I am the eternality of God knowing perfect being." And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Sunday, December 30, 2007
December 30, 2007 & Time to Act
Today, I establish within my consciousness the acceptance of the idea that has come to me today to enlarge my capacities. I know that this idea was given to me to accept and to embrace it now. I realize and accept within my consciousness that my desire to actualize this idea in my experience is God's desire for me. I know and give thanks that I have been called to this new idea, and I realize that its fulfillment is assured. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Saturday, December 29, 2007
December 29, 2007 & Lasting Appeal
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Friday, December 28, 2007
December 28, 2007 & A Treatment for Healing
I will live the fullness of my understanding today, and I will keep my heart ever open toward the Illimitable Source; for the Truth is infinite. I will meditate daily toward the Perfect Mind of God, that I may be the more often enlightened and transformed by Its Healing Word, that I may declare Its Presence with an understanding heart.
There is nothing whatsoever but the Divine Truth. The Truth is God. The Truth is God in me. The Truth is its own Power to heal, to save, to make whole. The Truth is All-in-All, and there is none else. The wholeness of the Living Truth is mine now. I am free from self-bondage in the Freedom of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit of Truth, which is the Breath of the Love of God. I know that I am the loving and beloved offspring of the Heavenly Father.
I shall be careful for nothing, that I may fully rejoice in the Goodness of Its Word - given to me to give again as a gift of the Light of Its Mercy.
Should any darkness seem to challenge me, I shall not fear; for the brightness of the Light Itself in me is my surety of beholding only God and Its Glory.
- (paraphrased) H. B. Jeffery, The Principles of Healing
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, December 27, 2007
December 27, 2007 & Using the Power
There is a Power in the Universe and I can use It; for it is the Father's Good pleasure that I do so. This Power has created me in Its image and likeness, to create my life by choosing the Good that I shall experience. This Power has created within me the wisdom to choose that which is for my highest and greatest Good. It is Its will that I do so. And I choose my Good wisely knowing that my greatest Good takes nothing away from anyone else; their freedom, their liberty, or their personal choices. I choose to experience great passion for life and to fulfill the purpose that is mine to fulfill. I choose not to neglect the gift that is within me, my ability to choose and experience the choices that I have made. I know that I accept my Good in Mind, and so there is no confusion or lack of decisiveness. I establish my Good in consciousness knowing that as I do, God is always in agreement with me. There is only God ... only Good, so there is nothing to hinder or obstruct my Good demonstrating spontaneously now. I choose peace of mind, joy in my heart, and happiness with all things that come into my experience. I choose an abundantly prosperous life, with enough to share and to spare, in all things. I choose a sense of well-being, perfect health and faith in myself and in God at all times. I choose to remain faithful and confident that my Good benefits me and all others. All who choose to share in my happiness, my joy, and my abundant prosperity, need only accept it with me. I know this is so. I let it be so. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
December 26, 2007 & There Is One Life
I expect, fully and emphatically, the answer to my prayer today. Right now do I possess this thing I so greatly desire. I remove my fear of lack and negation, for it is the only barrier which stands in the way of my experience of good. I alone can remove it, and I do remove it now.
In this moment my good comes to me, enough and to spare, to give and to share. I can never be exhausted, my good can never be depleted, because that Source from which my good comes is inexhaustible.
Today, in this moment, the Law responds to my thought. My word is one of affirmation, rising from the knowledge that the Good, the Enduring and the True are Eternalities in my experience. I cannot be apart from that which is my good. My good is assured me by God, the Indwelling Essence of my life. - Dr. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
December 25, 2007 & Hope at Christmas

Today Spirit brought to my awareness the spirit of Hope and as I think about all that is happening in the world, I know that "hope springs eternal." I was very touched today to watch the troops on television as they recorded their messages to their families and those they love for the Christmas Holiday. My heart was filled with hope for them ... that they will "move through" this mission that they have been assigned, and return to their loved ones and family safely and sanely. My hope is never in vain, for my Hope is always in God ... knowing that as I trust in this Infinite Power and Presence to reveal harmony and peace ... that the way to the peace that we seek will be revealed. This Power Greater than we are can always be counted on to reveal to us the ideas and awareness to create a better world for you and me. And in this eternal guidance towards peace and love for one another, we can know that nothing is ever lost. No life is ever wasted ... as life never dies ... for Life is God and in God ... eternally. And this is the Hope that springs eternal in my heart and mind this day as I celebrate my Oneness with all the Soldiers and Military personnel all over the globe, and our Oneness with Almighty God, Infinite Spirit ... forever and ever expressing Itself as Life, Spirit, and Truth. My hope is always in Spirit ... and it can never be denied. And so it is.
(photo from Camp Striker, Baghdad)
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Monday, December 24, 2007
December 24, 2007 & Silence
Within me is peace for I know that the Peace of God indwells me, surrounds me, and permeates all things that concern me. "He perfects that which concerns me" ... and as I accept this as the Truth for me and for God, I feel a deeper sense of peace and a calm assurance that All is well in my life now. I affirm this in the silence of my mind. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Sunday, December 23, 2007
December 23, 2007 & Life in God
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Saturday, December 22, 2007
December 22, 2007 & Prosperity 101
I rejoice and give thanks that there is a river of abundance within me that flows from an Infinite Source that is God. Knowing that All Is God, I know that as God is Abundance in the Infinite, I am Abundance too, for I am One with All that God Is. As I am called to give, I know that this Inner Presence that brings this call to my awareness, knows what to give, and gives it through me. Knowing that I am always expressing the Life of God to the level of my awareness of this Truth, I know, and I know that I know, that All that comes to me, comes through my consciousness of God-Abundance. There is no limitations in my consciousness, for I always have something to give. I give freely, as I know that God loves a "joyous giver" ... and I realize a great joy in all that I give; spiritually and materially. I give thanks for this understanding and this awareness ... and I give up any ideas that my giving can be withheld from anyone ... for it is God giving through me. And so it is!
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Friday, December 21, 2007
December 21, 2007 & Dr. Bitzer Affirmations
I recognize that nothing can come to me unless my thought permits it. My Mind is clear because I recognize God, the only Reality, as the Good expressing in and through me now. No confusion can exist in my thought for my mind is one with the Mind of God. No discord can enter my consciousness because I know God as Love and Understanding. My thought reflects itself around me and I am surrounded by harmony, love and perfect understanding.
God-in-me makes me confident of my Success. God-in-me sustains me so that nothing can disturb me. I am in complete control of myself and every situation which surrounds me. The Power within me transcends anything that can manifest around me. I stand steadfast.
God-in-me reveals to me what I can do to give my talents full expression. I am ready for a larger and more remunerative experience. Everything necessary is being done to bring this new opportunity into form.
I give thanks for the opportunity which I have for service and helpfulness. My work expresses the activity of the One Mind. It draws to me those who want that which I have to offer. They recognize the value which they receive and gladly and generously recompense me.
Every avenue of my being is open for the continuous expression of God's abundance which supplies all that I need and desire.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, December 20, 2007
December 20, 2007 & Be Realistic, Expect A Miracle
My mind is poised and aware of the Presence and Power of Divine Mind, as I unify consciously with this Presence and Power. I know and accept only the most marvelous experiences in my life now. I am never limited in my thinking, nor do I make any attempt to hinder the flow of the Life Abundant in my experiences. I claim and accept Health, Success, Prosperity, Joy, Love, Loving Companionship, Wisdom, Beauty, and Harmony as present in my life and permeating all my affairs. I rest assured in quiet confidence that as I remind myself to be realistic and expect a miracle ... more than a few miracles are revealed to me ... and in my world of experiences. I gratefully accept this as so ... as I feel the essence of Spirit within me ... and I let it be so. and so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
December 19, 2007 & Love Revealing
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
December 18, 2007 & Perfect Action ... No Mistakes
There is only One Mind; this Mind knows what I am to do, to have, and to be ... and I know, as I am One with this Mind ... and I know that I know. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Monday, December 17, 2007
Deember 16-17, 2007 & Whatever It Takes
As I recognize the Power and the Presence of God, Infinite Spirit, right here where I am, I know that this Presence is working for my greatest Good in all things. Whatever it takes to heal that which requires healing comes to my awareness and I accept it all knowing that All is God and All is Good. I am always in the flow of the Presence of the Presence of God, for I am always in the realization of Omnipresent Good, God, forever expressing Itself in me and for me. There is nothing to fear for I immediately deny all false evidence appearing real, and accept my Good without reservation, now. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Saturday, December 15, 2007
December 15, 2007 & Transcending
Knowing that as I recognize the Presence, the Power, and the Intelligence, of God, within me and around me, I understand and unify with the mystical statement, "I am the Light of the World." And as I allow this expression of Light to express Itself through me and as me, I transcend and overcome anything that attempts to hinder my demonstration of the full-ness of Life, now. I transcend the limited for I know I am Un-Limited Potential, expressing fully and completely in all things that concern me; health, love, happiness, peace, joy, and abundant living. I overcome the world as I align myself with the nature of Supreme Spirit and I am lifted up in consciousness to the Power and the Presence of God within me. My life is a perfect demonstration of my dependence on Principle and Principle alone. I seek and I find all the Good that is mine today and every day, as I affirm my One-ness with this Supreme Spirit, God. I am fully conscious of the "spark of the Divine within me" at all times and in all things. I live a life of continual gratitude and appreciation for my Light forever shines. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Friday, December 14, 2007
December 14, 2007 & Holiday Gift Shopping
As I know that God Is All and the All-ness of God is always where I recognize It; I know that the "spirit of giving" ... which is of God, is with me now. Spirit guides me through my heart and mind to find the right and perfect gifts for everyone on my Holiday shopping list. I know that Spirit is with me as I desire to choose gifts that bring a greater sense of joy and unity with Good, to those who receive the gifts I select. I feel this inner confidence knowing that my gift choices are the right choices for those who are near and dear to me. I enjoy the Holiday Season knowing that as I give, I immediately receive the gifts of Spirit; happiness, joy, love and peace. "Give and be given to," the Great Metaphysician Jesus taught ... and I know that each gift that I give is received with gratitude and love ... and I am One with this gratitude and love. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, December 13, 2007
December 13, 2007 & No Obstructions
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
December 12, 2007 & Addiction
There is but one Universal Life, God or Spirit. This Universal Life is a principle of perfect harmony and right action. It is an omnipresent and self-knowing principle, whole and complete within Itself. It is forever calm and peaceful. It is, therefore, a principle of complete satisfaction which knows no unsatisfied desire. The only appetite or desire of Infinite Mind is for complete manifestation of Its own constructive contemplation.
My life is a part of this Universal Life; Its peace, calm and satisfaction are manifesting in and through me now in absolute perfection. My spirit, being one with Universal Spirit, has nothing to desire or long for - save the natural expression of peace, poise and complete satisfaction. That subjective race-thought, which speaks to me as limitation or as desire for abnormal stimulation, has no answering or recognizing voice within me. I turn from all such inharmonious thoughts toward the reality of my oneness with Universal Life (the Father) realizing here in the formless Realm of Reality, the complete satisfaction of knowingness, the sense of calm well-being, wisdom and understanding. Here within the Realm of Reality (the Kingdom of God) I sense the truth of my complete mastery over all things. My body is that concept of Universal Mind which is composed of the Creator's perfect ideas (God's body). Within the form, which is commonly termed the human body, is nothing which can speak to me, demanding anything whatsoever. I dwell within the Realm of the Universal and declare that the calm and complete satisfaction of the Self-Knowing God is expressing in and through me, unhindered and unopposed.
I go forth with a complete sense of masteryd in the realm of form (my earth experience) unafraid, happy and joyous in my expression of all that is desirable and constructive; knowing that all destructive desires and inharmonious thoughts disappear and dissolve into the nothingness from which they came, having no power to perpetuate themselves, since they are neither person, place nor thing.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
December 11, 2007 & Employment
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Monday, December 10, 2007
December 10, 2007 & Expect Only The Best
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Sunday, December 9, 2007
December 9, 2007 & Prayer for a Soldier
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Saturday, December 8, 2007
December 8, 2007 & Joy In Prosperous Living
As I recognize God, Infinite Spirit, I recognize infinite, abundant Good. And as I unify with God and this abundant Good, I lift up my awareness to more and more Good. Knowing that prosperity and success are part of the wholeness that I am. I consciously choose a greater and greater Good each day in which to experience. I am never without any Good thing and I am always in the right and perfect financial position to make the most of my prosperity consciousness. There is a great joy in knowing that the prosperous life is my life now ... and I enjoy all the Good that my consciousness brings to me with gratitude and deep appreciation. I enjoy prosperous living knowing that it is a natural expression of the Divine through me ... as me, and for me. I accept and I believe that prosperity is available to all and there is enough and more for everyone .... for this is the Universal Blessing expressing Itself for me and for you. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Friday, December 7, 2007
December 7, 2007 & The Heart of God
I surrender all of my fears - those nameless fears which have beset me for such a long time, dulling my pleasure and clouding with misery and apprehension all of my days. I am now through with fear. What, indeed, is there for a divine and immortal being to fear. Certainly not people, for as I am a divine and immortal being, so is every man, and every man is my brother. I recognize the one Life Principle, working in and through and inspiring the motives of everyone I contact.
I do not fear sickness, disease or death,because the eternal and perfect Life animates my body and goes always about Its perfect work, healing and renewing that body. I am not afraid of want or lack;, for the one infinite Essence supplies me with everything I need all of the time. There is nothing for me to fear, for I am an inseparable part of God. I live in Him; He lives in me; and I draw upon His perfect peace. MY PEACE IS FOUND AT THE HEART OF GOD. - Dr. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, pg. 558
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, December 6, 2007
December 6, 2007 & Re-Energized
"I know I am now at the threshold of all good, wisdom and Truth. All the good I can embody is now mine. I have only to open the portals of my soul and accept that which is ready to express through me.
"I expect, fully and emphatically, the answer to my prayer today. Right now do I possess this thing I so greatly desire. I remove my fear of lack and negation, for it is the only barrier which stands in the way of my experience of good. I alone can remove it, and I do remove it now.
"In this moment my good comes to me, enough and to spare, to give and to share. I can never be exhausted, my good can never be depleted, because that Source from which my good comes is inexhaustible.
"Today, in this moment, the Law responds to my thought. My word is one of affirmation, rising from the knowledge that the Good, the Enduring and the True are Eternalities in my experience. I cannot be apart from that which is my good. My good is assured me by God, the Indwelling Essence of my life."
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
December 5, 2007 & Spirit is Joy
Today I recognize God, Infinte Spirit, knowing that the Spirit of God is within me. In this awareness I approach Life with poise and power. I know that within me is the consciousness of prosperity, success and love ... and this consciousness outpictures into my experience with joy and gladness. I am filled with joy as I see my words made manifest in my life. I am filled with happiness as I realized that the Good that I accept for myself is actualized in my experience. Nothing hinders me from the harmony, joy, happiness and peace, of the Spirit within me. My spirit is joy itself permeating the thought atmosphere wherever I go and in whatever I am doing. And this is the Truth for me always ... and for this I am grateful. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
December 4, 2007 & Hanukkah
Today I honor by brothers and sisters of the Jewish faith as they begin the celebration of Hanukkah. This "festival of lights" demonstrates that God's Presence is with me and with you, as we move through the experiences of this Thing called Life. I know and I accept that this Presence of Good, God ... is for everyone and against no one. This Infinite Love showers us with Its blessings every moment of every day ... eternally. There is nothing within me that does not praise and thank God for all the Goodness that I have received and all the Goodness that the world has been so very blessed with. The "Light of my world" is God, Infinite Spirit, Almighty God ... and therefore all that I need to know, I know ... and all that I need to have, I have ... and for this I feel greatly blessed. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Monday, December 3, 2007
December 3, 2007 & Effectice Prayer/Treatment
Principle is the Power that made everything ... It is Absolute ... It is God ... and All things are of It and in It ... and in my awareness of this the greatest of Truth, I know and I know that I know, that as I depend on Principle ... not person, place or thing ... that which I choose to experience, to have, or to do ... is mine ... for Principle cannot be denied. It is God's Good pleasure to give to me, and as I have received my every Good desire from God, I know and accept this Good as mine now. I have an absolute conviction that God is working in my life now to bring forth into my experience a greater measure of prosperity, loving companionship, happiness, peace of mind, success and joy. There is nothing in me that denies this ... and I know that Principle knows and does that which is necessary for me to experience these things and so much more. My health is assured as I depend on the Principle of Health that reigns supreme within my consiousness. Nothing can disturb my thought ... or negate my Good ... for my awareness of the Absolute Power of Principle is my calm assurance that my Good comes to me now. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Sunday, December 2, 2007
December 2, 2007 & Unfolding Consciousness
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Saturday, December 1, 2007
December 1, 2007 & Divine Ideas
As I recognize a greater idea for myself, I am recognizing the Spirit of God within me. I know that the ideas of success, prosperity and greater happiness, that are pressing against my mind, are the ideas that the Divine desires to express through me. I am receptive to these ideas and I mentally conceive them as being mine now. I dwell on success, prosperity, happiness and joy ... and I know that Mind responds to my contemplations and meditations on these things. I am assured of success for God is success in me. I am assured of prosperous living for God is supply within me. I am assured of happiness ... for God is happiness and so much more within me. And for this, I am grateful. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Friday, November 30, 2007
November 30, 2007 & Better and Better ......
Life is open to me. Life is God. And there is no separation from this Life ... for in It I live and move and have my being. And in this awareness, I know, and I know that I know; and I believe, and I know I believe ... that every area of my life gets better and better every day in every way. I am living in the infinite Good that God has prepared for me ... through my consciousness of Omnipresent Good. I feel all the joy ... all the love ... and all the hope .... that my unfailing faith provides for me. I embrace the Good that is mine in my mind ... and all my thoughts are focused on what is mine ... now. I live in perfect health, happiness, joy ... and peace ... for these things are of God ... and God freely expresses them through me and into my world of affairs. My soul is alive with enthusiasm and divine bliss knowing that my Good always manifests with grace and ease ... for I believe it ... and so I see it ... in the right and perfect time. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, November 29, 2007
November 29, 2007 & My Faith Is My Fortune
I rejoice and give thanks that my thoughts arise first in the One Mind, which is God, and that as I realize my unity with Mind, I can choose the thoughts that create the Good Life for me. I know that my faith is my fortune ... and I am fortunate enough to know that Spirit desires only the highest and greatest Good for me. I lift my thoughts higher to a life filled with wealth, perfect health, love and joy ... and I know that it is my Good Fortune to accept these things and greater things still. I do not limit the flow of Mind through my mind, and in so doing I am open and receptive, deserving and accepting of the Good that is mine ... now. I know that my thoughts of gratitude for all that I have, both in the physical and on the Un-seen Side of Life, insures that my Good Fortune is Un-Limited Good!! And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
November 28, 2007 & Prosperity Now
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
November 26-27, 2007 & Love Is What I Am
I recognize that I am created in the image and the likeness of God … All that I am is God … All that God Is … is Love … so I am knowing with a persistent conviction that Love is what I am. It is Love that Indwells me … Love that thrills me … Love that strengthens me … Love that goes out from me … and Love reflecting back to me. I am in Love with this Thing Called Life and It is in Love with me. I do not hesitate, nor do I fear to express my Loving nature in all that I do. Love creates through me wonderful and exciting new experiences in order that I may more fully and completely express the Love that I am. In this moment Love prospers and blesses all those who connect with this powerful energy of Love flowing from me. Love knows no nationality, no race, no gender as it embraces everyone and everything with Its powerful healing energy. I am radiant with Love’s desire to realize my One-ness with All of Life and I celebrate this realization with gratitude, joy and praise, now and forever.
And So It Is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Sunday, November 25, 2007
November 25, 2007 & The Secret Place
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
I dwell in the secret place of the most High; this is my own mind. All the thoughts entertained by me conform to harmony, peace, and good will. My mind is the dwelling place of happiness, joy, and a deep sense of security. All the thoughts that enter my mind contribute to my joy, peace, and general welfare. I live, move, and have my being in the atmosphere of good fellowship, love, and unity.
All the people that dwell in my mind are God's children. I am at peace in my mind with all the members of my household and all mankind. The same good I wish for myself, I wish for all men. I am living in the house of God now. I claim peace and happiness, for I know I dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Saturday, November 24, 2007
November 24, 2007 & not of the world
As I recognize God, Infinite Spirit, I recognize It as Universal Principle ... available to All. As I understand the Principle, I accept that I am using It as It expresses more fully through me ... through my consciousness. I am never concerned about the conditions and circumstances in the physical, for I know that my consciousness is "not of the world" ... and this is where my power is ... and my wisdom, my peace, and my joy. I live the good life for I understand and demonstrate the Principle of Life; health, prosperity, loving companionship, success and all good things. There is no obstructions as my mind is always One with the "Un-Obstructed Principle" that moves ever so gracefully through my experiences with Power and Wisdom. My Good is always right on time and I am always blessed in the most marvelous ways. My gratitude is for knowing this as the Truth for me and for everyone .... today and all-ways. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Friday, November 23, 2007
November 23, 2007 & Intelligent Guidance
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, November 22, 2007
November 22, 2007 & Meditation of Thankfulness
I thank Thee, That Thou has made me in the image and likeness Of Thine own Divinity. That Thou has held me close to the heart of Thine Infinity. And warmed me with the presence of Thy Divine Love. I thank Thee, That Thou has breathed into me the courage To move ever forward That my faith is made perfect in works Fulfilling Thy Divine purpose. That Thy unlimited Power Fills me. I thank Thee, That Thy loving tenderness gives me a deep insight Into the lives of those around me. That compassion makes me see beyond their struggles That loving kindness helps me lift them Above their weakness and confusion And makes them strong. I thank Thee, That Thy goodness surrounds me That within me thou hast created the desire for Good. That Thou are revealed in my Infinite Self and In every person, every place and in everything I find Thee. I thank Thee. |
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
November 21, 2007 & Invisible Good
Knowing that the bountiful Spirit of God is not limited to time and space, I know and accept that my Good is not limited to what I see. I am thankful for the great invisible Good that is mine and I claim it now. There is no limit to the Good that is mine for it comes from an infinite supply. And I attract this Good to me by never placing a limit on the measure of Good that I accept. As with the Master Mind Jesus, I can declare and know that "all that the Father hath is mine" ... and as I realize this as the Truth for me ... I accept a greater and greater Good through my contemplation of it. I am truly grateful for knowing that the gift has already been given ... and the acceptance is mine with grace and ease. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
November 20, 2007 & Joy Divine
I rejoice and give thanks for knowing that God Is Mind, and that this Mind is my mind now. In this awareness, I know and I know that I know, that Mind responds to me. I enliven my imagination to think beyond any ideas of the past, and I think into Mind a greater and more expansive experience of life for me, now. I am ready to experience this greater abundant life and my mind is filled with the vision and images of success, prosperity, great joy, and happiness. I know that the Good that I seek is enough to share and to spare. My vision is one of inclusiveness ... a greater Good for all who accept their part in it. I know that God has given me this vision ... and the willingness to step up to a higher level of responsibility, mentally and emotionally. I know that God-in-the-midst-of-me strengthens me and sustains me with confidence and all that is necessary to demonstrate this Great Work that God has delegated me to do. I know that in spirit, I already have ... and I am filled with a deep gratitude for it. I accept my role in this demonstration and my place in the Universe ... and I let God do Its Great Work in me, for me and as me ... now. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Monday, November 19, 2007
November 19, 2007 & Ever-Lasting Love
Knowing that God Is Love and Love Is God, I unify with this Love in my awareness of my Oneness with God, Infinite Spirit. This Love flows through me and fills my consciousness with the Truth of God's Love for me and for everyone. I can accept that this Love which soothes my soul is ever-lasting ... it is unconditioned ... and that nothing can separate me from realizing and accepting this as the Truth for me. "Besides me there is none other," the ancient scripture reads, and I know this means there is no power other than the Power of Love in my life and in the world in which I live. There is no doubt in me and no fear in me, for Love never forsakes me. I am not subject to the shadowed thinking of the masses for I know that the Truth knows no opposition, for Truth is God, and I am assured and confident that God Is Love ... and so I accept with gratitude and joyous receptivity this ever-lasting Love of the Divine in my life now. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Sunday, November 18, 2007
November 18, 2007 & Be Real
In the awareness that God and I are One, I understand and know that there is no separation from God, Infinite Spirit ... that I am in It and It is in me ... this is the Truth for me now and always. I realize that every Good desire I have, God desires this Good for me. I accept my Good and a greater Good every day, for myself and for all others. I feel at One with God ... at One with Life, at One with Truth ... I am in the Spirit ... and I feel marvelous about it! And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Saturday, November 17, 2007
November 17, 2007 & Treatment Practice
This treatment is for ___ name ___:
Knowing that All Is Mind and All Is God; I know and believe that this Infinite Presence, Mind, is the only Power, Presence and Intelligence in the Universe.
Knowing there is only One Presence, One Life, I have the awareness that this Life is expressing as me and for me, now and always. -
As I accept greater and greater financial prosperity, I know and realize that my financial assets are multiplied abundantly. I accept that this increase occurs in all areas of my life. My compensation, investments and assets, increase significantly in value. Tremendous amounts of money come to me from expected and unexpected channels ... as my consciousness of acceptance increases immensely with my awareness that All is of God and in God ... and in this understanding, I know that I am One with my great desire for wealth, health, happiness and success and my consciousness of wealth demonstrates in my life with ease, now. -
Having the awareness of all that I have received, my mind is focused on what I have ... both in the physical and on the Un-Seen Side of Life. Filling my mind with thoughts of "having" creates authentic gratitude within me always. -
I have faith in my Oneness with God, Infinite Spirit, and as I trust myself to choose my Good ... I trust Infinite Intelligence, Principle, to unfold it in my experience in the right and perfect time .. now.
Rev. Bates
Friday, November 16, 2007
November 16, 2007 & Prayer-Treatment
Dr. Ernest Holmes developed "spiritual mind treatment" from the healing work of the Master Mind Jesus. Dr. Holmes focused on the process in which the mind of man/woman, embodies the One Mind, which is God, and "spiritual mind treatment" or "prayer-treatment" is the result. I would like to share my "evolutionary" methodology for treatment with you ....
Prayer-Treatment involves conscious mental awareness of these five concepts:
We state our recognition that God is All and All Is God; One Power, One Presence, One Intelligence .. back of all creation, now and always.
We are consciously aware that God Indwells us; that we are "in God" and "of God." -
We speak our word either orally or silently for the Good that we desire, knowing that there is no opposition to our acceptance of our Good; good relationships, financial prosperity, health, happiness, joy, peace, employment, etc. -
We go deep within our mind and feel a sense of gratitude and thankfull-ness that the Good we have accepted for ourselves, is ours now. -
Let go and let God; remain faithful to the Great Un-Seen unfoldment of our Good.
Rev. Bates
Thursday, November 15, 2007
November 15, 2007 & No Duality
I know and believe that there is only Good, only God ... and that this Infinite Presence is always supporting me and lifting me up to my highest and greatest Good in All things. My mind is always turned to that which I want. I mentally direct my thoughts to the Good that I know is mine. I dwell upon this Good in my thoughts and I let my Divine Imagination expand the ideas of Good that come to my awareness. I know that the realization of the Presence of God is the greatest healing agent available to me. I affirm the Presence is with me, in me, and of me. I know that this Presence expresses Itself through me and as me. I am never separated from God ... and I am never separated from my Good. I am One with the Good that is mine ... now! And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
November 14, 2007 & Something's Happening Here
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
November 12-13, 2007 & Release / Let Go
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Sunday, November 11, 2007
November 11, 2007 & "Prayed Up"
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Saturday, November 10, 2007
November 10, 2007 & No Doubt About It
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Friday, November 9, 2007
November 9, 2007 & Free To Choose
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, November 8, 2007
November 7-8, 2007 & Clearing
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
November 6, 2007 & Giving-ness
As I recognize that God Is All and All Is Mind, I realize and know that the state of mind, or attitude, in which I do anything, creates a shift in my consciousness. As I give freely and generously with joy, I shift my consciousness to one of joyful giving and prosperity. And as I know that the Law is always working for me, I know that someone, somewhere is joyfully giving to my benefit. I know that this "un-seen giving" to my benefit prospers me and prospers those who are part of the Divine Circulation. I realize and accept that all that I give returns to me multiplied abundantly and as I "fix this Law" in my consciousness, I know and accept my Good now ... with joyful gratitude. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Monday, November 5, 2007
November 5, 2007 - Celebrating
Knowing that All Is Mind and All Is God, I know and understand that I am One with God and One with All that Is. I know that as I place my intention into the Law, that the Law works for me by working through me. I know that as I affirm growth and expansion of the Good that I have already received, I can know and accept that my growth and expansion is multiplied abundantly. I see myself with a greater and greater measure of support, both spiritual and financial ... and I see myself working with an expanded consciousness of God awareness and a greater awareness of my place in the Universe. I know and accept that the work that I do heals, prospers, and blesses all who are receptive to being healed, prospered and blessed ... and I realize that there is a greater receptivity for spiritual healing throughout the world, now. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Sunday, November 4, 2007
November 4, 2007 & Uncertainty
The Science of Mind teaches that we are to have faith in the All-ness of God or Good, and if we embody this All-ness of Good within our consciousness, we will be willing to live with what the world calls uncertainty ... but what we call, "following our bliss" ... for Love always embodies bliss. Let's know together that we can depend on Principle, even in times of uncertainty:
I know that All Is Mind, and that the Universe is in Unity, therefore, I am willing to follow love and let life become uncertain. I know that God-in-the-midst-of-me, is my All-in-All, and the uncertainty of love for me is an adventure that will surely lead me to my bliss. I have no fear, no doubt, and no worry concerning following love, for I know that Life is for loving ... and being loved ... and I am willing to let my soul unfold the love that is for me, now. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Saturday, November 3, 2007
November 3, 2007 & Silence Within
I take the time each day to "be still and know that I am God" ... I realize that God is within me ... and that I can talk to God in the silence. I am open and receptive to Life, to God, and to Love. I let Life flow through me and in so doing, I know that Love is flowing through me. In the stillness I feel the sweetness of Life and my heart is filled with joy and peace. I know that as I move into the silence, I am entering what the ancients called the Secret Place of the Most High God. I feel the Presence in the silence and know that I am not alone. My inner ear listens for the words of God for me ... knowing that God is personal to me. Intuitively I hear the words that God has for me and I go forth in Life inspired and confident that God is guiding me in all things ... from the silence within. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Friday, November 2, 2007
November 2, 2007 & No Weariness
There is no weariness.
Mind and Spirit do not become tired nor weary, and I am Mind and Spirit.
The flesh cannot become weary, since it has no mind of its own.
I am free from all illusions of weariness.
My whole being responds to the thought of Life.
I am alive with the Great Vitality of the Spirit.
....... I am alive with Spirit.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Thursday, November 1, 2007
November 1, 2007 & Seeking to Be
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
October 31, 2007 & Halloween
I know and accept that at any moment and for any particular thing I choose, I can align my mind with Creative Mind and receive inspiration to bring forth a fuller creative expression in all that I do. I know that I am expressing the level of my awareness of my Oneness with Creative Mind now, and in this realization, I expand and increase my conscious contact with the Mind that is seeking to express more of Itself through me into my world of experience. I am never without a new idea or a new way in which to experience the creativity that spontaneously expresses through me. And so it is.
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
October 30, 2007 & Living Principle
Keep the faith!
Rev. Bates